Baby Steps Peter Parker

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First of all, Peter Parker is the best dad ever.

He knows what it’s like to grow up without a dad and makes sure he is always there for his kid.

Literally always.

“Peter, you don’t need to take a picture every single time she throws her Cheerios.” You’d remind him on a daily basis as he snapped photos of your chapter with Cheerios stuck to her chin.

“Buts she’s so cuteeeee.” Peter would whine as he’d continue to take pictures.

Your baby girls name is June, inspired by her birthday, and also paying homage to May. She had Peters brown eyes, your color hair, and a sweet face that was a perfect blend of the two of you.

Oh, and she was cute.

Really cute. Like “people stop me in the street to tell me how cute my baby is” cute.

Peter had thought you were the most beautiful being to walk the planet until the minute he laid eyes on June. You were now the second most beautiful being, but you didn’t mind.

Peter calls her “June Bug”, and other related nicknames.

“Buggy, can you walk to daddy?” Peter would ask with hope in his voice. “Buggy” had been the first nickame she responded to. You’d try to tell Peter to ease up on the nicknames, fearing she’d never learn her actual name, but Peter informed you that that rule only applied to dogs.

But June was one now and still not walking or talking. One year olds take their first steps between 9 and 12 months, and June was 13 months.

You and Peter were worried to say the least.

You had been able to celebrate all of June’s milestones so far, first blinking back, first haircut, first tooth. Tony even threw a party for the first time she rolled over. But now she wasn’t walking or talking and you and Peter (especially Peter) were wondering if something was wrong. It’s not that she didn’t try. June would stand up, wobble for a bit, and then sit back down on that ground. Every time it happened, you and Peter felt defeated.

“Can you walk to daddy? Please, my little June Bug? Walk to daddy.” Peter would beg his baby girl day after day. June would just smile at Peter and continue slapping the ground. Peter was growing disheartened.

“Tony said Morgan was already saying “run me my check” by the time she was 10 months old.” Peter whined as he climbed into your shared bed.

“She’ll talk when she’s ready to talk.” You’d always reply. You had to be the reasonable one, but deep down you were just as worried. Was there something wrong with your baby girl? You even lied to your dad and told him she was walking and talking already.

Speaking of Steve, your dad was finally coming home from Wakanda after visiting Bucky for a few months. He was excited to see his granddaughter, but you were dreading him coming. You were nervous about him seeing that June wasn’t walking nor talking. You felt like you failed as a parent and you didn’t want your dad to see.

Right as your dad walked through the door, Steve knew something was bothering you. He knew his daughter well enough to know when she was upset.

You and Peter greeted him at your door and set his bags down. He gave you a kiss on the cheek and firmly shook Peters hand.

“Where’s my little super soilder?” Steve asked as he rubbed his hands together, in true dad fashion.

“She’s napping but I’ll go get her.” You said, dreading the moment your dad found out the truth. You took your time waking her up and changing her recently changed diaper.

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