Jealousy ~minho (tmr)

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It was damn near impossible not to relentlessly compare yourself to the new girl, who had just recently came out of her coma: Teresa. Even things she had no control over, like how pale skin was stretched across her slim physique, made your blood boil in your veins. She was far from undesirable-looking, already having multiple Gladers wrapped around her long, feminine fingers. You cringed ever since you became aware of this; which didn’t take long at all.

Looking in the mirror that the boys had stuck in your hut when you came up in the box, you picked yourself apart, thinking of Teresa and how much better she appeared than yourself did. It took less than two minutes of that before a tear made it’s way down your cheek; not as chiseled as Teresa’s, of course.

Becoming angry, you sucked in your tears and changed quickly into your sleeping attire, pulling your sheets over your shoulders.

Although it was stupid of you to critique every characteristic of your body, and even parts your own personality; you happened to be one of many who was doing the same thing. The Gladers never shut their traps during the day, listing off the similarities and differences between you and Teresa; even going as far as conversing about the pros and cons of sleeping with her and sleeping with you.

The words made your jaw clench so hard that you were suprised it hadn’t snapped yet everytime you walked past some boys who hadn’t gotten action in a while. But, unfortunately for you, that was the case for all of them.

Sure, there were exceptions. Chuck was the most prominent one; he was about twelve and cared so little about her arrival that you held onto that relief for dear life, hanging around him whenever you had the chance. Chuck didn’t understand the issues much, but he listened, and he didn’t give input — which was enough for you.

Others that didn’t care about her arrival from a personal standpoint included Alby, his second-in-command, Newt, and most of the Keepers. Most.

Some of the Keepers, such as Winston, goggled at her whenever she waltzed by him, swinging her skinny hips in the process and moving some of her black locks that cascaded down her frontside to tucking them behind her ear. A simple movement, one that she probably did mindlessly, made you anguish.

Then, to add salt to the wound, your mind wandered to think of how kind she was, and how she, impossibly, managed to be a force to be reckoned with in a grassy patch in the middle of four, inescapable walls, where egotistical boys were scattered left and right. You never thought yourself out to be as impressive.

Reflecting on the comparisons as you laid in your bed, finally, your body gave you the ‘okay’ that getting some shut-eye was possible. For sure, though, because of how late you had stayed up racking your brain with negativity, you would awake with slight bags under your eyes. Just what you needed.

Pulling at your under-eyes in the morning, you grasped dangerously onto the tiny bits of self-esteem that were scattered behind. You were nice. Right? Weren’t you? Helpful. No way to know for sure. Attractive? Teresa had stolen any thunder you could have possibly had.

Mopily throwing on your clothes, you set off to Gardening, aiming your eyes on your work. Pulling out weeds was, oddly, your favorite part, it was like removing the weak from the strong. Then, Teresa walked by you, and you realized exactly why you liked it so much. The thought hurt you, just as she did, but you were attatched to the misery. You better get used to it, anyway, since as far as you know, Teresa isn’t going anywhere. Neither were any of you, for that matter, but now you had a more prominent issue — that was much more vain.

You took your break alone, sitting in the grass and munching on a sandwhich. The sandwhich was the apple of your eye at this moment; Usually you liked to observe the Glade and it’s nature-filled glory, but that was out of the question.

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