king and Queen (pt.5)- draco malfoy

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Dear Mother,

   How is brother Angelo? And sisters Felicita and Ernesta? Send them my regards. I be with them in my dreams.

It has come to my attention that you have requested me home. I am afraid to tell you that I cannot leave – I am terribly busy with my schoolwork. I hope you can understand. The Headmaster has informed me that he denied your request. Please, do not panic or hold a trial in the Ministry – he is merely concerned for my O.W.Ls.

As for Draco…Mama, I wish I could describe how heartbroken I am, and it is his fault, not mine. I know it does not matter what I feel, but I wish you’d understand and let me deal with this on my own. I promise that our quarrel will not affect the Chavarone and Malfoy relationship, you have my word.

 It is getting late. I will send this in the morning.

    I love you all,


Putting the quill down you rubbed your tired (colour) eyes, skimming the letter for one last time before folding it and putting it into your robes pocket. You picked up your supplies from the table, blowing out the lonely candle that provided you light.

You had stopped by the Library and convinced the grumpy woman to allow you a couple of minutes alone. Begrudgingly, she agreed.

You thanked her again whilst she only dismissed you, and soon you exited the semi-warm library into the chilly corridors of Hogwarts. You wanted to be alone while you wrote to your mother – the topic was delicate, she was a fiery woman and you needed to pick your words wisely. Hopefully, she will leave you alone.

You didn’t pass anyone all the way to the dungeons where you noticed a couple of second years snooping around and hiding from prefects. You sent them a disapproving look as they greeted you with bright and adventure driven smiles.

You didn’t stop to chat.


You lazily opened your tired eyes to stare at the dull curtain that separated you and the chatting girls in your bed chamber. Mona’s voice was energetic and squeaky, whilst Millicent’s was still riddled with sleep. The other girls, you never bothered to learn their names, were eagerly talking about one thing or another, something boring and not worth even an ounce of your attention – their families, or more specifically, the pure-blood ties to the fashion world. You were a bit surprised how Pansy stayed quiet.

You sat up, yanking the curtain open. Covering your eyes from the hurting light, you groggily yawned, making the females around you greet you immediately. You found yourself teetering at the edge of your bed, your fellow students eyeing you careful. Minus Pansy, of course…speaking of which, where is she?

Draco. You tried to swallow the bitterness but it still reflected on your face upon remembering the dreaded day a couple of weeks, no, months ago when you had officially ended any and all relationship with Malfoy. It still hurt – seeing Pansy latching to him like a leech – but you knew very well that he needed a lesson or two on how to treat and respect his girlfriend. That is, if he even cared about you anymore.

“You’re up late, “ Mona inquired, her narrowed orbs sparkling with suspicion. She licked her dry lips, leaning in on her bed and tilting her head to the side, “And you got back late too.” Her statement was met with encouraging glances and low murmurs of ‘yes!’ and ‘I heard her come in too!’. Your features softened – mouth relaxing as you lovingly gazed at your dark haired friend.

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