Sugar, Spice & Everthing Nice Pt. 1 - Peter Parker

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Let me guess." You said coyly as Peter Parker entered the bakery. You tapped your chin and pretended to think about his order. "You want vanilla cupcake?"

"Do you have the ones with the blue frosting?" He asked sweetly. He held his hands together under his chin. You bit your tongue at the action to keep from dying on the spot.

"I always do." You chirped before going in the back to retrieve it.

Truth be told, you didn't always have blue cupcakes. In fact, you rarely did. No one ordered blue frosting, so you never had any made.

But what you did have was a gigantic crush on Peter Parker.

The sweet boy stopped in the bakery you worked at every Friday for a blue cupcake. Peter walking in and making the bell above the door chime was the best part of your week. You saw him at school, but his time in the bakery was the only time you actually had the guts to talk to him. It was your turf, and you felt safe. You had to admit to patiently waiting for him to walk in every week, bouncing on the balls of your feet when you saw him coming. The other girls (and one boy) in the bakery all knew about your huge crush. They happily let you be the one to serve him every week.

And every week, just for him, you set aside a vanilla cupcake everyday and frosted it with a light blue buttercream frosting. You had to mix the frosting yourself, and after several attempts, managed to make it the same shade as his favorite sweater.

"No way! This matches my jumper!" Peter cheered when you handed him his cupcake.

"Does it? Thats funny, I didn't even notice." You lied through a smile. Peter thanked you and dropped a dollar in the tip jar. You gave him a friendly wave as he walked out, leaning over the counter to watch him until he was out of sight.

Yeah, you had it bad.

You'd been working at the Sweetheart Bakery for all four years of high school. It was right next to Delmars, both stores coincidentally being Peters two favorite places to stop in. Not only did he have to pass them on his way to school anyway, but he liked the people inside too.

Specifically, he liked you.

Meeting you had been an accident freshman year. He ran in there on Mays birthday, her first birthday without Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben had always picked up the cake, but without him there, Peter took in upon himself to get one. Peter burst through you doors, five minutes before closing, in a panicked rush.

"I know you're closing but it's my aunts birthday and I really need a cake." Peter announced, all in one breath. He was panting, not yet having acquired the radioactive spider bite and still being a scrawny, out of shape boy. You blinked and stopped wiping the counter. You were in charge of closing that night and weren't expecting anyone else. Especially not the boy from your math class that you had a crush on.

"Oh." You said and put your rag down. "I'm afraid we sold all our cakes today. Can I get you anything else?"

"She needs a cake. It was always a cake." Peter said, defeated. He put his hands on the counter and looked you intensely in the eyes. "Please. You're the only bakery still open. Is there anything you can do?"

"I'm really not supposed to but..." You bit your lip as Peter unknowingly gave you puppy dog eyes. You'd been crushing on him since the first day of school three months ago. Until that moment, you'd never spoken to him. But here he was, in your shop late at night, asking you for a favor.

"When do you need it by?" You asked. Peters eyes lit up.

"Tonight." He answered. "Please?"

You looked at the clock and then at the door. You shouldn't. You couldn't. But it was Peter Parker and he needed a favor. And you were going to give it to him.

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