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"Y/L/N, 8943. Show me going."
"Y/L/N, 8943. I have you going."

       That number struck a familiar cord in me. At first I wasn't quite sure of who it was, but then it all started flowing back to me.

"Peralta, 9544. Show me going."
"Peralta, 9544. I have you going."

I remembered all those cold Brooklyn nights when we'd try to go for a walk but it'd be too cold. Or all the nights we'd play Mario Kart. And all the strawberry milk she'd drink when she was sick. I miss feeling how warm she was, and the feeling of her snuggled against me while we watched Die Hard.

But now was no time for remembering.
Now, there's a life or death situation,
Just twenty five feet away from me.

There's nothing I can do to protect her, plus she's probably fine on her own. I mean, she also went through police academy, but there's just a part of me that wants to wrap her up in a security blanket and hide her away.

But we're grownups,
And we're going have to fight this.
Like grownups.

Y'know, maybe my perception of grownups is very biased but we don't have time for that right now. The others that are 'going' didn't stick out, they must have been people from other precincts than the nine-nine and nine-eight.

Also, really quickly, I used to be so jealous when I learned that Stevie was going to be in the same precinct as Y/N. I mean, why not come with me and Rosa? Well I mean, technically I'm the one that changed from the nine-eight to the nine-nine when I became a detective but shut up that isn't important right now.

There's only one thing that matters right now: public safety. An active shooter situation with at least four shooters that we know of. We heard gun shots, but we don't know about civilian casualties.

"I've located one shooter, on the roof of the building, 10 o'clock. He appears to be armed." Once again, that voice beamed over the radio. I wanna go to her position, and stand in the way of any harm. "All units, hold your position." Well, that was terrible timing. What is he doing up there?

"SHOTS FIRED!" I didn't know were it came from, but I really hoped that no officer or civilian got hurt. "Shooter down! No one move in, this might be a lure." A short-lived breath of relief was the only thing I could manage. It's so weird being surrounded by death every single day. I should tell my mom I love her more.


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