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"Jacob Peralta you're such a meatball!"

       She said, hitting my arm with the Nintendo controller. "Oh! Ya hear that Jakey-P! You're a meatball a-haa!" Stevie elbow hit me, and might I add, really hard. "Ouch." I chuckled, rubbing the now sore spot she left with the WiiMote. "What is meatball even supposed to mean?" I turned to meet Y/N's pouty face. "It means you're a saucy boy, Tybalt!" Rosa chuckled along with Y/N's Shakespeare reference their old English class in high school. "You're a dork, Y/N/N." Rosa said with a smile. "I know," she began, "but that's what you love most about me."

          She was completely right. That dork had walked straight into my heart. "Alright, it's getting too chummy. What do you guys say to another round of MaRiO KaRt?!" Stevie vocalized. "I'm down! How about you two ladies?" Y/N stood up and cracked her back. "I think I'm just about done. Y'know, maybe if you lET ME WIN, JAKE, I'd be down for another round." We all chuckled, as she rubbed her arm and said, "Ow, my poor ego!" Y/N began to walk to the door of our dorm. "I'm, gonna go to the whizz palace, and I can't promise I'll be back quick."

Ross shuddered at her bathroom joke. "Ew, never mind, none of us love you." Ross rolled her eyes, before picking her character for the next Grand Prix, Princess Peach. "Alright!" Y/N finger-gunned, "Just like my parents." She left the dorm door a little bit cracked open behind her. I picked Toad and Stevie picked Diddo as we heard Y/N's steps fade down the hallway. "Jake, you know that if you like her then you have to let her win, right?" Thanks Stevie, for exposing my secret to her friend. "Wait, you like Y/N/N?" Rosa's face fell flat, regardless, her face always looked like that.

"Well I'm not gonna let her win, REGARDLESS of whether I like her or not, cause I believe in equality, not patronage." I made a really good point, so good that neither of them said anything. They were both quiet while choosing their cars (Rosa chose a motorcycle but Peach's good girl vibe offset the whole badass thing she was going for). "GUYS WHO'S READY FOR RAINBOW ROAD?!" Stevie yelled, using his almighty power of WiiMote 1 to dictate our path. "NO!" Rosa and I screamed instantaneously.

Needless to say, that round didn't end well for any of us, other than StEvIe! "What the hell are you so salty about, you came in second, Rosa!" Stevie argued. "Only cause you HIT me with a BLUE SHELL at the last second!" Rosa yelled back. "THAT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" Stevie stood up and dropped the controller on my bed. "NO IT WASN'T!" Rosa did exactly as he did but instead started heading to the door. "I ACCIDENTALLY HIT THE B BUTTON!" Stevie followed Rosa as she went into the hall. "IT HAPPENS TO THE BEST OF US, ROSA!"

The two of them continued bickering as Y/N finally came back into the room. "Hey." She said, sitting on the ground with me. "Hey." I repeated. I didn't know what to say to her, we've only known each other for a few weeks. I do like her though, she's really dorky and smart. She wants to be a detective, so that's a plus. I think she's pretty, I just hope she likes skinny white guys with one personality trait.

"Do you play a lot of video games or are you like, a movie guy? Or like an outdoor guy?" She gave me a great conversation prompt, but I wasn't sure whether I should introduce her to my obsession yet. "I like Die Hard." I said, trying to gauge interest. "Oh, cool. That's that movie series, right? With that one guy, and that tower?" I physically felt excitement fill my body. "Yes! Sorry, I just got really excited about it." She chuckled at me, she looked really pretty when she laughed at me. "No, no, don't apologize. I completely get it. I know I saw the first one once, but I don't really remember it."

Suddenly, I came up with a great idea, something that only happens on rare occasions. "Do you wanna watch it right now?" She looked a little taken back by that. "Uhh, depends on the time." She began looking around for the clock on my wall. It was 9:38 pm. "I'd like to, but I wake up early in the mornings, so I can't. Sorry." Y/N smiled politely, before standing up and grabbing her water bottle. I stood up with her. "I'd like to watch Die Hard with you another time though." Once again, I got really excited, and by excited, I mean excited. Oh god I'm an idiot. I leaned back against my bed, and crossed my legs.

"Yeah! Cool cool cool cool cool no doubt no doubt." I think it was very clear that I was,, flustered to say the least. "Cool,,, cool cool cool cool. How do you say that so fast without sounding stupid?" I'm not quite sure if that was a mock or an actual question. "Eh, you'll get used to it." She chuckled before putting her hand out for a fist bump. "See you soon, Jacob Meatball Peralta." As she began to walk out of the doorway I let out a sigh. "Why can't I talk to girls without getting really flustered." I closed my bedroom door and made sure to lock it before heading back to my bed.


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