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My body shivered and shook in a panic.

          Today is the day that I'm gonna ask Y/N on our first official date. Even though I know she likes me at least a little bit, it's still terrifying. Stevie and I were chilling in his room which he shared with some guy I didn't really meet. We had some music playing in the background as he helped me plan everything out, step by step. Stevie came up with date ideas while I thought of everything that could and will go wrong with each one. "Nhhh." I whined while I laid on Stevie's bed, barely making any sense.

          "Yeah, I know, Jakey. Dating is hard. I'm not creative enough for romance either." A smile grew on Stevie's face as he sat on the floor. "But that's why Rosa and I kinda hit it off. That and I have a large,,, moral compass." I made a throw up sound and rolled off his bed, onto the floor. "C'mon man, it's not that bad. If you ask her out, she'll probably have some ideas." Stevie reasoned. "But we don't know that for sure!" I whined. "I'll text Rosa and see if Y/N/N has said anything about liking you. Speaking of which, you still haven't told me what really happened. You just made a bunch of squealing noises and you almost cried but that doesn't really tell me anything." Stevie began typing on his brand new iPhone (first generation, from 2007(get it, like 007? James Bond? That was unintentional but I guess that how the math works, babey) also first gen cause flashbacks,, duh)

          "Well I haven't really said anything cause it doesn't matter if she rejects me." I shrugged. Stevie sent the text and looked up over at me. He sighed and scooted closer to me. "Jake- look. If Y/N doesn't like you, we can commit arson. Would that help you feel better?" Stevie tried to put his hand on my shoulder but I rolled flat onto my stomach. "Nghh that's a crime." "And?" "We're trying to be police officers." "One little crime won't hurt." "Its ARSON!" "So what?" I groaned like a monster in response. I stood up, did a full body shake, and told Stevie, "I'm just gonna ask her out. No plan, no goal, no expectations. I've wasted too much time trying to hide my feelings from her so I'm just gonna kiss her and be like, 'Hey~'." Stevie looked up at me from his place on the floor. "Wait are you waiting for, go get some pUsSayyY!" "Ew, don't be weird." I said, hyping myself up. I opened his door and sprinted out shouting, "LET'S GOOoooo!"

        I knocked on the door of her dorm, my hands shivering with fear. The door swung open, and there she was, with a mug of coffee in her left hand. I didn't hesitate. I put my hands on her hips, pulled her close to my and gave her a passionate kiss. She didn't really reciprocate though. That made me worried. Was I going to fast? Does she have a fear of getting too close to people that sparked due to a traumatic experience when she was in middle school which cause her to have some form of internalized oppression which makes it hard for her to date people? Was she just not expecting it? "Hi." She said briefly. "Come in." She stepped into her room, placing down her cup of coffee, and closing the door after me. I sat down on her bed, waiting for any sort of a reaction.

          She applied chapstick, and cleared her throat. Neither of us said anything for a ten second span. "So,, uh, where were we?" I hopped off her bed, and she walked close to me. "Hi." She gave me a peck on the lips. "Hey." I responded, cupping her cheek. "Wanna go on a date with me?" "Mhm." She nodded and kissed me again. "Saturday?" Her sweet voice echoed. "Mhm." I took her into a sweet kiss, my lips tugging at hers. I moved my hands to her waist once more, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. When our kiss broke, she rested her forehead against mine and rubbed her thumb on my jaw. A warm smile lingered on her face as I kissed her forehead.

          "I was, believe it or not, extremely scared to ask you out." I admitted. "Why? I'm just,, me. I'm not that intimidating, am I?" She asked. "Well to me, you're not 'just you'. You're smart, funny, pretty, and I mean like really really pretty. You're clumsy, you laugh at inappropriate times, and you always give me those little doodles in class on sticky-notes. Sometimes when I'm feeling sad you throw socks at me until I'm smiling. You're an amazing friend and I think that's what led me to thinking so highly of you." I stroked her hair as I rambled. "And because of how amazing you are, it made it hard to transition the relationship, y'know?"

"I know, Jakey. And I feel the same way."

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