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"Y/N, what the hell are you doing? You could get yourself and others killed!"

          "You didn't have to follow me into this god damn office, Peralta!" She hissed. The radios blaring washed over some of the tension between us. "10-54! We have two 10-54's!" The radios signaled. "Requesting 10-20's from every one on the inside!" I took a step forward and a look around, the few people that followed me in started signaling in their locations, though we all remained on the first floor. Y/N checked closets and behind different corners. It was currently 6 pm, and we were stuck in an office building. This must be what having a normal nine-to-five job must feel like, well, with less danger.

          Y/N approached the staircase, looking up the many levels. She turned to me and spoke in a whisper soft tone, "Is it bad that I really wanna take the elevator?" I didn't respond. I thought it was witty, but this was not the time for humor. "So, were do you think they're hiding the hostages?" I changed the subject. "If they had any logic, they would be higher up in the building. I mean, there's only twelve floors? That's right below the roof, so, like, easy escape, right?" She took a step onto the stairs, checking to see if the tile made any sound, cause y'know the saying, old building, loud floors. She carefully took a second step, then another, and another, until I began to follow her. My crew of three followed us up the stairs, meeting us on the second floor.

          "Clear!" Y/N said, checking conference room to conference room. "I found some blood, but other than that, clear!" One of the glass walls on the conference room was shattered. Blood collected on some of the shards. My mind began to race more with each floor we checked off. What if she gets hurt? Would I be willing to die for her? What would happen to Amy if I did? Does Y/N have her own version of Amy? How would hypothetical Amy feel about losing Y/N? Wait she doesn't know Y/N, now I feel guilty about not telling her about my first girlfriend. How would Y/N feel when I told her about Amy and that I moved on? Has,, she moved on?

          No matter how many questions I had, I shook out of it when we reached the fourth floor and saw a bloody body, sitting with it's back straight against the wall. One of the men I brought with me checked the pulse as another radio-d in for a stretcher. "We got a 10-52!" The officer turned to Y/N. "How should I proceed, Y/L/N?" Y/N clicked on her radio, "Meet Officer Butler by the main entrance of the building, he'll carry to person to you." She wisely instructed, nodding towards who I presumed to be Officer Butler. And just like that, the officer bridal-style picked up the person and carried them down the stairs. Y/N looked up again, before muttering under her breath:

"Nowhere else to go but up."

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