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          The radios were almost muffled by the sound of three gunshots being fired a few floors above us. "You boys sure you wanna go through with this?" She seemed unsure of herself as she talked.We were halfway through the building, going up to the seventh floor. The two men and I stayed silent, readjusting their guns. There was a pause before anything else happened. Y/N let out a heavy sigh, before taking more steps. "Alright,,, it's our funeral." She continued up the stairs as my men looked at each other worriedly. They were both younger, probably the same age as Y/N/N and I when we started on the force. I reassured them in a low tone, "She's just kidding." She scoffed in response, "No, I'm not." The two officers and I followed her up the stairs. "You'll be alright." "You can't guarantee that."

We split up and checked every corner of the seventh floor. Nothing here, other than some blood stains. When we met back up at the staircase, I whisper-yelled at Y/N. "What ever happened to boosting morale?" She kept her eyes on the staircase in front of us. "You're scaring the other officers, you're distracting from our mission, Y/N/N." She took a step up the stairs, "This isn't a joke. I think we all need to know how heavily the consequences of our actions weigh on us. Civilians are in danger, Jake, we all need to be cautious. Especially you." Her words shot out with a bitterness that felt like venom. The other officers joined us and spoke a simple 'clear' into their radios.

          "Hey, I don't know if it's just me," one of the officers began, "but I feel like something terrible is gonna happen." Y/N stopped dead in her tracks, but didn't aim her gun. "What is it?" I asked. "I just- before we go on, I wanna know your names. Just in case something bad happens, we all know each other." She went first, followed by Officer Stephen Manion and Ryan Matteson, ending with myself. "Well, let's continue on then." Y/N began walking up the stairs when Stephen interjected. "Wait! I- um- I have a daughter, she's one. If- if anything happens to me, can you guys write down what happened here today so that one day she can read about her dad?" Stephen's face fell with each word. Y/N solemnly nodded, "Sure, Stephen." I gave him a slight smile, "Definitely."

Ryan clicked on his radio, updating our location. Y/N waved us on and raised her gun as she proceeded carefully forward. The further into the floor we ventured, the more sounds we heard. There was a slight whimpering, Y/N decided to investigate. But suddenly it all went quiet. The only sound was our slow and steady footsteps. I looked through the broken glass of one of the conference rooms, I saw a trail of blood. I raised my gun, and entered the small space. In the corner of the room, sitting on the ground and rocking in place, there was the source of sound. A woman, with tears streaming down her face. Stephen joined me in the room with the woman, confused as to what to do next. She whimpered the same phrase repeatedly,

"I didn't want to. I didn't mean to."

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