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       Officers starting discussing their plan of action through the radios. The presumed shooter's body was still moving, groaning with pain and agony. I couldn't see it and I couldn't hear it, but the chatter on our radios told me what I needed to hear. I hated not being able to be directly involved with all the developments. Especially with her, over there, out of reach. Our only connection was through the radio. I didn't even know if she knew I was here. That was a confusing sentence, cool cool cool cool cool.

       "8943 and 6782, move in, unarm the perp, and drag him back to be medically treated." The man in charge seemed frustrated, as if he'd rather be anywhere but here. "On it, Captain!" Her voice almost whimpered out of the radio. She was scared. And I wasn't there to help her. How many times did I not help her cause I was so involved in myself?

       "Slowly approaching." Her teammate said. I can barely even imagine what was going on, but I can't ignore direct orders. I fidgeted with my fingers as I await updates. Suddenly, there was a crashing sound, in sync with the sound of gunshots. I heard screams, blood curdling screams, but they weren't as loud as I imagined them to be. The were distant, and faded. The radio started blaring, going loud and crazy.


            "Everyone check the windows of the building!" "Officer down! Officer down!" In the sea of voices, Y/N's voice was nowhere to be found. "I'm getting them out of there!" Her voice yelled. She's irrational, she'll be killed! She's putting her life on the line for a dead man's body. "Y/N don't! Get out of there."

"THERE'S MOVEMENT IN THE BUILDING!" And then, she was stupid once more. "IM GOING IN!" I felt inclined to move too. And so, I did what I like to call, a Y/N/N. I left my post and radio-d in. "I'm going in with her." I was at the front of the building, a group of three other cops stood behind me, all following my lead. "I've got an armed team, assembled, ready to go." I said. "I'm already on the inside, no sign of anyone on the first floor." My tactical team and I sneaked in through the front of the building.

"Hey Peralta, it's nice to see you again. I wish it was in better circumstances though."

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