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"I'm telling you, this is the best movie franchise of all time, Y/N/N! You're gonna love them I swear!"

       She whined in protest, but willingly took a seat on my bed after flicking off the lights. And what a roomy bed it is, a twin XL. Perfect for two people even though it barely fits one. My bed sat the long way across the wall with a Reservoir Dogs poster on the ceiling. I'm still not tall enough to get it off. "So, fart master, let's get this over with."

"Fart master? That's a new one." I chuckled, grabbing the remote on my bedside table. "Oh! More like, POO ONE! Get it?!" She elbowed me hardly, to ensure I got her joke, as I pressed play. The smile she put on my face was the type that makes your cheeks hurt. "Die Hard? Whatever happened to living soft?" Y/N said. I saw her expectant face, and I couldn't help but laugh again. There was something about her terrible humor that made me laugh no matter what.

We finally grew quiet and just started focusing on the movie. We leaned against the wall behind us, and every ten or so minutes, I'd shuffle a little closer to her. Every few minutes she'd make a slight snarky comment under her breath. When we reached the third movie, I could barely stay awake. Never have I ever fallen asleep during a Die Hard movie, yet here I am, almost falling asleep on Y/N/N. The weather didn't help keep the sleepiness away. Rain fell steadily on the roof, the pitter-patter of rain hitting my window, and the trickle of the drops racing down it soothed both of us. Her head bobbed up every once in a while, as if she caught herself growing tired just like me. But, I didn't want to sleep. I wanted to stay here, watching this movie, slowly getting closer to her.

"Jakey, what time is it?" The nickname rang in my ears as I checked the clock on my wall. "Oh shit!" I began, "It's almost two!" She groaned in protest. "Noooooo, this means I have to go to my dorm and go to bed." Y/N began to shuffle towards the edge of my bed. "You could stay here, so you don't have to see Rosa and Stevie chilling in bed." As I added a dramatic 'bleh' at the end, Y/N's face turned flat. "What?" "Yeah, I was surprised when Stevie told me." I said. "She didn't say anything to me!" She moped, before she came to what looked like a sudden realization.

"Oh. Well, um, knowing Rosa, she, um, she and Stevie might still be, um-" I decided to cut her off to spare both of us from the unnecessary awkwardness. "-So, yeah, I know where that sentence was going so you can save yourself from saying the gross words." We both chuckled at my avoidance. It was,, sweet.

          Hopefully I didn't come off as a creep with what I was about to say next. "What do you wanna do? You're kinda kicked out of a bed tonight." I paused, hoping she'd ask to stay over without me propositioning her to say so. It's not like I have bad intentions, I just don't want her to feel that way. I kind of hoped she'd say no, I didn't need or want some sort of sexual tension between us cause we shared a bed. "Do you mind if I sleep here?" I can't say no to her, but also, "On one condition: neither of us take the floor, cause it's gross and Stevie threw up there a week ago." She laughed and reached out to shake my hand. "Deal."

We decided to keep the movies playing in the background, so we could watch them as we drifted off. There wasn't much room on my bed as I predicted, but it wasn't that bad. She was really warm, it was like cuddling with a heated blanket. She wrapped herself in an extra blanket from my closet. She rolled and faced me, and began to talk. "I grabbed this so now you can't leave me blanket-less." She radiated pride. I couldn't help but smile at her cocky-ness. Our faces were only inches apart, I couldn't stop smiling but since the only light left in the room was the glow of the tv, shining from behind her, I don't think she could tell how wide my smile was.

          The chatter of the small boxy tv continued in the background, drowned out by the pace of our breathing and sound of our own chatter. This felt like a case to me, examining each and every tiny detail and movement, anything that could hint to her liking me back. "'You don't know how to shoot a gun?' 'Look, all brothers don't know how to shoot guns, you racist motherfucker.' 'Sue me.'" The dialogue between John McClane and Zeus played through in the background. Y/N/N scooted closer to me, claiming the she was cold on her 'side' of this tiny bed. I filled with nerves, the butterflies in my stomach were running as rampant as my mind. 'Should I kiss her? Is that too much? What defines too much? Should I ask consent? I should! Definitely, consent is bomb! But first I have to work up the confidence.'

          In a moment of confusion and closeness, Y/N had cupped my cheek and pulled me in for a soft kiss. It only lasted a few seconds, but the sensation of it all would last a lifetime. "Did you know that you were thinking out loud?" Y/N/N smiled, stifling a laugh. I felt my ears turn hot, my face flush, and a lump form in my throat. "Uhhh." That was the only thing I could say, the only sound I could make. I was so embarrassed. "You're weird." She laughed, I kind of felt hurt, until her lips moved again, "But you're cute, so guess I can put up with it." She laughed again, I couldn't help myself but kiss her again.

She was warm and inviting. I couldn't stop putting my lips on hers. She sat up, leaning against the headboard of my bed. I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me, deepening each kiss. In between kisses she'd giggle. She said, "This is so weird, I'm never the type to make the first move, but here we are." She smiled in the dim light of the tv. There's nothing I've ever wanted more than to kiss her over and over. The more we kissed, the more sloppier and passionate each one got. Her fingers messed with my hair and as one of mine held her hip the other caressed her cheek.

Once we kissed, I knew I never wanted to do this with anyone else.

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