“Pearl, do you even know where we are going?”
“Nope, but Emerald does.”
“You said that half an hour ago!” Kelly yelled.
“I have an effective way to locate the other members of the knights clan. I am only delayed because they keep moving, we will arrive. Unless some other species can come forward with an alternative option?”
Kelly sighed.
“no, I got nothing. Continue….finding.”
Emerald looked offended, she narrowed her eyes and shook her head. Then she spoke to kate telepathically.
“How much more time has to pass before I am rid of this annoying carbon based female?”
“Kelly isn't that horrible, girl. Just until we get to the others then she can leave,” Pearl chuckled, “What do you think about Justice?”
“Oh, her dragon is much more tolerable. He is actually quite pleasant and posses an intriguing personally.”
“That's a first.”
“I am quite capable of mixing with my own kind and finding one that is likeable.”
Pearl laughed out loud and Kelly looked at her, confused.
“What's so funny?”
“Just Emerald. Says she's good at making friends.”
“Ok then. Well I would like to get back soon, so can this conversation wait?”
Emerald gave Pearl a look but said nothing and kept flying. Pearl cleared her throat.
“Kell, are you ok? You're being kind of...rude.”
“Yeah I'm…”
“Don't lie,” Pearl cut in, “I can tell when are lying.”
Kelly took a breath.
“No, I'm not. What if when we get back everyone hates me? And what if we can't find them at all? And what if something happens to my mother? Or my brother, I only just found him Pearl, I can't loose his again.”
Justice hured and a waterfire tear formed in the corner of his eye. Kelly ran a hand down his snout. Pearl tried her best to calm her friend.
“Kelly, it will be fine. Mike is strong and he will come back so is your mother.”
“It would be easier if father wasn't away.”
“Where is he?”
“He went to the birthplace of dragons to renew their guardian vows and make an offering at their alter. One of them has to go every year or else they loose their powers, and we loose ours. He should be back soon.”
“Huah, your family sure is...interesting.”
“Never a dull moment,” Kelly sighed, “Hey Em, I’m sorry I was rude earlier.”
Emerald looked at her, sideways.
“Your simple apology was crude and stiff, but you are only a simple lifeform so it would be unfair if I didn't take all the factors into account. Your apology was short and greatly lacking in many accounts, including my name, but the tone it was delivered in appeared to be sincere so I shall approve it, despite everything about it.”
Kelly looked at Pearl, confused.
“She's means “it's ok, apology accepted,’” Pearl said.
“Ah. Good. Are we almost there?” Kelly asked.
“If by there you mean here, then yes. We have arrived, this is where the clans distinct scent is originating,” Emerald answered.
“Um, Emerald, are you sure? All I see is ocean?”
Emerald rolled her eyes and dived down to a closer, a huge, dark, wooden boat glided across the oceans surface at a speed unheard of for sailing ships. The sails where gone and in their place where nine dragons chained to the ship, some on the mast and others on the stern. They where flapping their wings as hard as they could, straining to pull the huge boat as fast as possible. Justice rawed in anger and Emerald aimed for the mast, her throat grew hot as she prepared to burn it down. Just then Jewel saw them.
“Emerald stop! As your Alpha I command you!”
Emerald swallowed the fire and stopped approaching the ship, she hovered just a few meters away with Justice just behind her.
“But Alpha, you and the clan and chained and bound like slaves, then forced to do the humans bidding. Where is Peter and the other riders? They would never let this!” Justice hissed.
“This is not as it seems young one. The princess and her saviours are abord this boat and we are helping them get back home. Our riders are helping them keep the boat on course. If you do not wish to help then follow us from the clouds, do not be spotted.”
“No, I wish to help my Alpha and my clan,” Emerald said.
“Me too!” Rawed Justice.
“Emerald, you can land on the deck with your rider and talk to Peter. Justice, pulling the ship is too big a burden for you, young one. Go fly above the clouds, stay out of sight.”
Justice hured in aggravation but said nothing agianst his Alpha.
“What about my rider? She can't breathe above the clouds.”
Jewel considered her options for a second.
“Go to Peter, he will sort something out for you and your rider.”
The dragons nodded and bowed their heads, then flew down and gently landed on the deck. Everyone stopped and for a moment all you could here was the beating of the dragons wings. Pearl broke the silence.
“Hi everyone. So it turns out that Astraid is actually Mike's sister Kelly.”
There was a moment's more silence then caos erupted, everyone was telling someone something at the same time. After about a minute of caos Peter signalled Jewel and she let out an almighty raw that shook the boat and sent waves running through the water. Everyone covered their ears. Then Jewel stopped and Peter nodded to her.
“Thank you, Jewel. Now, has anyone got anything to say?”
“Oh, I have an almighty lot to say!” Lydia yelled, face scarlet with anger, “Why are there more reptiles on my ship!”
“Dearest Lydia, I was not expecting these dragons and their riders back so soon. I am so sorry about their sudden arrival. The green one shall be used to pull the boat with the others.”
“And the blue one?”
“He is too small to help the adults, he is stil growing. What do you want to do with him?”
“His owner can work and he can sit in the back of the boat, chained.”
Peter nodded.
“Very well, Captain.”
Peter went and got a chain and gently put it around Emeralds foot, apologizing. He told her to hold it with her claws so it won't pull on her leg. He then gave Clover the other end of the chain and glanced sadily at all the chained dragons as Clover climbed the mast and fixed the chain around it.
Pearl and Kelly helped the others, but there really wasn't much to do, the dragons kept the ship steady, on course and moving forward. So they decided to see Lillianna in her cabin.
Pearl knocked three times. Lillianna's calm voice came from the other side.
Kelly took a deep breath and pushed it open.
She saw a girl in a rich pirate dress with very short and choppy hair sitting in a red chair at a desk. She was facing the ocean but turned after she heard them close the door. A huge man dressed in similar cloths stood on her left, he was half emerged in the shadows and what could be seen was covered in huge scars. His wild hair tumbled over his wide shoulders and a huge scar went through his lip.
“Um, I'm here to see the princess, I have news,” Kelly said, eyes fixed on the huge man.
Lillianna laughed.
“Pay no attention to him, he is very protective of me and doesn't like the dragons.”
“I don't think anyone here dose...wait…” Kelly looked at the girl closer, “Princess?”
Lillianna laughed again.
“Princess Lillianna Ravenswood of Easten Dane at your service,” She said, inclining her head and waving her hands in a sitting down bow.
Kelly and Pearl dropped to the floor in a bow like Peter did. Lillianna sighed, but didn't blush.
“No please, stand up. There will be plenty of time to do that when we reach the palace and you see my father.”
The girls rose from the floor and noded. Lillianna continued.
“So, you said you have news?” Lillianna said, reaching for a tea cup.
“Yes, concerning my brother.”
Lillianna dropped the cup and it smashed on the floor.
“Mike,” she whispered, in a trance.
“Yes,” Kelly replied, looking at the fragments of the cup.
Pearl bent down and started picking up the broken pieces.
“If you are here to tell me that he is dead, then you are wasting your time. I am already awear. If there is nothing further then I have to insist you leave.”
“No, no. That's not what I came to say. Quite the opposite actually. He's alive. He's fine, he is on his way here actually. I was talking to him before I left.”
Lillianna remained in her trance.
“H-hes a-alive? M-Mike? Mike's alive?”
“Mikes alive!” Lillianna yelled, happily, her eyes lit up, “Yes! When is he coming?”
Kelly paused.
“Hopefully soon.”
Lillianna noticed her expression and the smile faded from her face.
“What's the problem?”
“Well, when I last saw him we going to help our mother fight a evil...thing with Stryker.”
“I'm sure he will be fine, your mother is strong, so is Stryker, I met him once. They will be here soon, trust me. And if you don't, then trust yourself. Oh and don't poison any more knights.”
“How did you know?”
“I'm the princess, it's my job to know my knights and the dragon guardians. Speaking of dragons. I am very sorry about the way of travel but this is the fastest option.”
“I understand.”
A voice called from the other side of the door, it was Lydia's voice.
“All hands on deck! That means get out of the Princesses quarters!”
Lillianna giggled.
“You two should go, before she comes in here.”
Pearl and Kelly nodded. Pearl put the prices of broken cup on the desk and left, Kelly following her.
They closed the door behind them and Lillianna smiled, turning back to the ocean.
“Mikes alive,” she whispered to herself.

Touched By A Dragon
FantasyA story that has been in progress for the longest time. Started when I was in year 4, is still in progress. Sorry for the first parts...it gets better.