Peter arrived back at camp with Destiny’s and Phoenix’s ghosts, the same way he way he had left. As the thunder clap receded away he was standing in the canter of the circle, near Destiny’s and Phoenix’s bodies. Emerald glared at Peter, then blew smoke rings around the ghosts. The ghosts moved closer, being dragged towards Emerald.
“This next part is crucial to this operation so if everyone could leave now that would be most helpful, but the dragons can stay.” (Same as the other one please) She announced, sharply.
Emerald waited as James, Pearl, Tash, Isabell, Jeffery, Scar, Henare Lucy and Sasha all got up and left; some quickly, not wanting to see what happens next and some slowly, reluctant to leave Destany alone, but eventually everyone was gone, apart from Mike. He just stood and watched Emerald, crushing strange plants, mixing liquids and pulling a scale from her side, which looked like it hurt. Then she handed her scale to Comet, who breathed fire on it until the scale blazed with heat, and then blew a steady, controlled flame next to Emerald. Mike sighed; Emerald stopped what she was doing and glared at him with narrow eyes.
“I know you can’t leave but could you at least try to be a little less disturbing?” (Same with this one please)
Mike nodded and sat down on the ground, thinking about Stryker and how he could right his wrong. Ultimately, what Stryker was doing wasn’t hurting anyone that was alive, he ruled his domain like a greedy king, bent on power and blind with greed, but that was Stryker’s business, and it was Mike’s fault that he was like this anyway. Stryker could taunt Mike all he wanted but it wouldn’t solve anything. He wasn’t going to be any happier. There had to be something Mike could do to fix this. He could think of nothing, eventually he just gave up and drew his attention back to Emerald.
She was now inspecting a murky green liquid that was next to her paw in a metal dinner bowl.
“Ah, here is it, finally I have finished it. Now I need your help fellow dragons, to heat this potion so it streams, but we all need to be breathing on it together in a single, low, continues breath of fire. Oh and Mike, don’t breath any of this stuff in, just hold your breath until we stop. That goes for everyone else too.”(Same with this one too)
Emerald nudged the potion until it was next to Phoenix and Destiny at the same level as their heads, then she moved back into her spot at the head of the dragon circle. She raised her green tail and all of the dragons blew out small columns of fire, each dragon had a different flame colour and shape but they all mixed together into a brownish coloured fire as it hit the bowl. It took a matter of seconds before the potion was steaming.
“Gently, the fire is too strong, Jewel, Comet stop.”
As soon as Emerald said that the Jewel, the gold dragon and Comet the, blue dragon stopped blowing fire and sat down. The bronze fire and the white fire left the mix and the fire around the bowel turned pitch black. It blazed like that for about three seconds before Emerald spoke again.
“Ah, perfect, now, Ruby stop.”
Ruby, the red dragon sat down and green fire left the mix and the fire blazed Light grey. It simmered like that for three seconds and Emerald spoke.
“Good, now Star, Hunter and Fierce stop.”
Star, a white dragon stopped and sat down, his ice fire left the group. Hunter, a grey dragon, sat down and his dark purple fire left the group. Fierce, a back dragon sat down and his yellow fire left the group. Almost straight away Emerald spoke again.
“Excellent now, Tanipha, Sprit stop.”
Tanipha, an orange dragon sat down and his blue fire left the group. Sprit, a purple dragon sat down and her black fire left the group. Now only Emerald was blowing fire, she had turned it down so it was only a small, thin column of fire heated the bowl. Purplish grey smoke filled the air. It pushed the ghosts into Destany and Phoenix and then then the smoke followed into their bodies. Only Mike and Emerald could see the ghosts, so they were relaxed and relived. Whereas all the other dragons where tense and on edge. A smile flickered across Emeralds muzzle for a moment.
“Phoenix and Destany are going to be as ok as they were before, so I suggest that humans return to camp so they can be there when they wake up.” She said.
All of the riders came out of nowhere and they came in from different directions to crowd around Destany and Phoenix, who both breathed in and out at the same time, perfectly in sink.
“Emerald, are you shore they’re going to be ok?” Pearl thought to her dragon.
Emerald relaxed and looked sideways at her beloved rider, concerned.
“Yes of course, my dear rider, one hundred percent certain. Why do you ask?” Emerald replied, her usually harsh voice soft and weary.
“Well, it’s just that…I don’t know; I’ve got a strange feeling.” Pearl said, uncertain.
Emeralds eyes narrowed as she judged Pearls sole and a chill ran up her spine. Pearl shivered, proving she felt it too. Emerald tensed in shock.
“Pearl, were you good friends with Astrid?” Emerald asked in a quick panicked tone.
“Y-yes, why does it matter?” She answered shakily.
“There is something about her that I have only seen in two other people, something old and powerful running through their veins. Astrid might not know about it, but when she left, she gave some of it to you.” Emerald thought to Pearl, putting it as simply as she could. “You are strong, Mistress, but not strong enough to control it. We have got to find her before…”
“…Before what?” Pearl thought to Emerald, panicked.
Emerald looked at her, straight in the eyes, with a look of fear, pity and urgency, but said nothing. Pearl inhaled a sharp breath, she understood.
A rattling cough brought their attention back to the girl and the dragon. Destany and Phoenix where standing up, smiling but weak and thin. Emerald and Pearl where so distracted that they hadn’t noticed, but judging the looks on the other riders faces, Destany and Phoenix had been awake for some time.
“Hey, you too, sit back down! You’re still very sick! It will be quite a while before we can go anywhere, three weeks at the least,” Emerald rawed out loud.
At once the dragon and the rider sat down.
“And as for all of you,” She said, glaring the rest of the clan in there white shirts, “You can only visit one at a time until they recover.”

Touched By A Dragon
FantasyA story that has been in progress for the longest time. Started when I was in year 4, is still in progress. Sorry for the first gets better.