“They’re going to find her,” Talon mumbled.
“Don’t say that, look keep calm, don’t do anything stupid and keep your mouth shut. Then they won’t. You've done it for nearly a year, just keep it up a little longer then we’ll demand a ransom.” Kai reasoned.
After arguing on where to put Lillianna they had left her in a dark, damp cave, she'd been counting the days and was curled up by the dying fire she had made in effort to keep warm. Her dark hair was knotted into a wild array and her tanned skin was dirty. The only thing that kept her sane was thinking about Mike flying in on Cosmo and saving her.
“Two weeks and two months with these two and I am just about ready to go mad,” she harshly mumbled to herself, throwing the wooden spoon they had given her in to the fire.
Just then Lillianna heard the sound of heavy boots echoing through the cave. Her eyes widened and her socked heart hammered in her rattling chest.
“Um…yo… little girl…Princess…thing, I ah, just wanted to see how you were doing and ah, maybe help you out a little, I think, probably,” muttered a harsh and deep voice that loomed over Lillianna.
Looking up, she saw Talon, he had a huge, bulky build with a black, thick, wild beard that covered most of his tanned face and completely covered his neck. He was wearing patches of small animal skin that had been roughly sewn together and tied at the waste with a thick leather strap. In the strap he held a cutlass and a water skin also made from animal skins. Talon stood up to his normal height which was about the size of Lillianna standing on her father’s shoulders. A thousand thoughts ran through her head as she gazed up at him. At tiny bead of sweat trickled down her tanned forehead, her pupils expanded and her green eyes grew wide.
“You....want to help.....me?” She murmured in disbelief, gesturing to herself and then the huge man.
“Listen kid. I just want the reward you’re going for, it’s better if you’re alive.” Talon responded heartlessly, shrugging.
“And your boss, what does he think?” She questioned, raising one eyebrow.
“He doesn’t exactly see my point of view. In case you couldn’t tell Princess, I’m not exactly treated like royalty around here.” He smirked, playfully.
“So what, you are just going to turn your back on your boss and then what? Are you planning that we are just going to walk out of here and he is just going to let us leave? Oh, maybe he will offer us some refreshments for the trip back and wave us off?” She whispered harshly, wide eyed and in disbelief.
“Ah, See, that’s where you come in. I’m brawn, your brains.”
“Seriously, this is your plan”? She yelled through clenched teeth.
Lilliana stared at Talon with wide annoyed eyes, hands on hips, in a steadfast pose, until he sighed and raised one bushy eyebrow, looking straight at her. Groaning in agitation, she ran her quick fingers through her brown, greasy hair. Slumped down the wall and sank into the corner, where she sat for a while, eyes closed and fingers randomly twitching as her mind ran a hundred miles on hour, calculating every possible escape route. Kai, bored out of his mind because for once there was nothing for him to do, started braiding his wild beard.
“Fine, I have a plan, and it is a fantastic one too, but I’m going to need your help and a lot of improvisation.” She spoke, standing up, eyes glittering with a sudden hope.

Touched By A Dragon
خيال (فانتازيا)A story that has been in progress for the longest time. Started when I was in year 4, is still in progress. Sorry for the first parts...it gets better.