Chapter 1...

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"JAAAIIIII!?" Indiana shouted as she tripped over the doorstep to my house.
"I'm in here." I called out from my kitchen.
"What's cookin' good lookin'?" she asked as she made her way in to find me.
"Just making some popcorn." I replied smiling. Indiana ran up to me, grabbed the bowl and skipped over to the lounge where she promptly made herself comfortable in the middle of my couch. I couldn’t help but smile.

I put the butter and popcorn kernels away in their rightful places, grabbed two bottles of water, handed one to Indiana and flopped out on the couch next to her. She had the bowl of buttery corn held tight in her arms, clutched to her chest as if she was protecting it from me.
"You alright there?" I laughed with a raised eyebrow.
"Yup." She responded through a mouthful of popcorn. It was then that I noticed that she hadn't actually turned the TV on; it was just a blank screen.
"Umm… babe, don't you need to turn it on in order to watch it?"
Indiana looked at me slightly confused for a second, and then it clicked. "Oh yeah, I forgot." She said drifting off. I just laughed; she's like this all the time.

You would think that being as academically clever as she is, she would be super good at all things life related right? Wrong. Indiana is the clumsiest person I have ever met and she literally sucks at life skills. She has pretty much no common sense and she cannot cook to save her life, Indiana is the sort of person that would succeed in burning an ice-cube. She's brilliant; give her a school paper to complete and she'll ace it, but give her a pack of chicken nuggets and an oven and she'll probably end up burning them so badly that they become charcoal. I guess that's probably partly why we click so well, we're like two halves of the same person.

As I was speed flicking through the hundreds of channels that I have on my TV with Indiana making 'no' noises to every single one, my brother Luke came in to join us.
"Hiya Indi." Luke's greeting earned him a smile and a wave in his general direction. "How you doing?"
"I'm good, you?" she asked in return.
"Could be better I guess." Luke laughed.
Indi tore her eyes away from the constantly changing image on the screen to look up at my brother. "Why, what's up?" she asked sounding genuinely concerned.
"Nothing, just don't feel too good that’s all." He laughed.
Indiana wrinkled her nose and said, "Eww. Stay away from me then. I don't want your germs." She winked at him, turning back to the TV.
Both Luke and I smiled at her. She was always so unintentionally amusing.

Still flicking though the channels, I was sure we must have been through them all by now but Indi seemed convinced that we hadn't so I continued until she screamed 'STOP STOP STOP!! I WANNA WATCH THIS ONE!' Obediently, I stopped flicking and reached over to place the remote control on the coffee table. The three of us then proceeded to squish on the couch, eat popcorn and watch several re-runs of shows we had already seen a million and one times previously until god knows what time. This was the way that most days panned out to be honest, we lead such boring lives. Apart from the videos me, Luke, our older brother Beau and our two friends James and Daniel make on YouTube, we do absolutely nothing with our time.

Having said that; I do spend the most amazing times with Indiana. I've known her pretty much all my life and she's my best friend. Yes, best friend. Not girlfriend. Most people can't believe it when we tell them that, I don't know why. Indi's been my best friend ever since kindergarten and we've been pretty much inseparable ever since. We do everything together. Well not everything obviously, but a lot of things.

We have been in the same form room and most of the same classes all the way through school and are always over at the other's house. We have keys to each other's houses too. Most people think that's weird because we still live with the rest of our family but it's all good, no one cares really. Our families are really close too, I mean, they kinda had to be for us to be such good friends I guess. Honestly, our families are so close we're almost related. Thank god we're not or I don't know what I'd do...

Indiana Ashby, my best friend... I have to keep reminding myself that. Ever since I can remember I've had the biggest crush in the history of world on Indiana. She's just so incredibly gorgeous. Inside and out.

She has deep blue eyes like the ocean and thick chocolate waist length hair with perfect natural corkscrew curls. She's shorter than me, about 160cm but she has the most amazing figure; a perfectly proportioned hourglass. She has this unique caramel skin tone that I swear nobody else has. She has this little freckle on her cheek just below her right eye, and a tiny dimple that only shows when she smiles. Speaking of her smile, it's stunning. Her teeth are super straight and her lips are full and always part at the same place every time she speaks. She has a little scar on her top lip that she got when we were out in the pool with our families when we were about six years old; Indiana and I were messing about on the lilo and she slipped and cut her lip on the ladder to the pool. She had to have four stitches. (To this day she continues to try and convince me that it was my fault, I still disagree.) She has so many tiny imperfections but I love them. Her imperfections make her perfect.

I love her and she has no idea.

Sure, I've dated other girls but none of them even compare to Indi. To be honest, I haven't been in that many relationships really. I just can't. The only escape I have from the pain of watching her be with other people is when I'm on Tumblr with our fans. (That's the fans of my group on YouTube; the Janoskians.) They're amazing. I love them to bits. When I'm on Tumblr I tend to stalk some of my fan's accounts and what I find is incredible. They know all about Indiana and they are constantly 'shipping' us. Basically, they think we would make a perfect couple. I've even seen some posts saying things like 'I wish Indiana and Jai would just date already', 'Jai + Indiana = Perfection' and 'I DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHAT YOU THINK, JAI AND INDIANA ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER.'. They make me believe that it's possible for just a few minutes until I log out and I remember that it will never happen. I hate it. 

"Hey Jai, d'you have any cola?" I heard Indiana ask breaking me out of my daydream.
I paused before answering. "Umm... Yeah I think so, you know where it is." 
"Oh but Jai I'm comfortable." She whined at me.
"So am I!" I countered. "I'm not getting it, you can. You practically live here, get it yourself!" I told her laughing.
"Fine" she frowned as she sulked off to the kitchen again for her drink. I glanced over at my twin Luke and rolled my eyes. 

Look at me, a 17 year old twin part of an almost world famous comedy/prank group and in love with my best friend. Fuck, I have no chance.

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