Chapter 12...

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We got to my house and practically threw ourselves through the door slamming it behind us and tripped into my room. Indiana dropped her bags and grabbed my shoulders, pulling me towards her crashing our lips together in our urgency. I pushed her backwards until my hands were pressed to the wall either side of her head, our lips never parting.

Indiana was the first to pull away from the kiss. "I'll be back in a second." She told me slightly breathless as she grabbed her bag and rushed off to the bathroom. While she was gone I took my chance to clean my room a bit. Well, when I say clean, I mean move everything from my side of the room onto Luke's side. I also fixed my hair and made my bed at least look slightly more comfortable than it did when we entered the room.

 I looked up from the bed to see Indiana stood leaning on the door dressed in the lingerie she had brought, with her hair pulled up into a messy bun on the top of her head. She looked amazing.


Indiana smiled. "You like it?"

"You look incredible." I told her as I took her hand and pulled her towards me.

Indiana looked up into my eyes and said the four words that, no matter how many times I hear them, make me so unbelievably happy. "I love you Jai."

"I love you too Indiana." I told her, touching our foreheads together.

Our lips touched again and again and again each time only making us want each other more. I felt Indi's hands move up and under my shirt as she ran her fingers slowly over my abs and bit down lightly on my lip. I couldn’t take it any longer. I broke our kiss and pulled my shirt over my head finally allowing our bare skin to touch. Indiana looked down at my pants and smiled.

"That’s your job baby." I growled in her ear as I placed tiny kissed down her neck driving her crazy.

"Mmm okay." She whispered seductively.

I felt the soft skin of her hands slide down to my waistband; her skin was cool on my hips and I couldn’t help but let out a slight moan which made Indiana smile slightly.

I felt the fabric of my sweatpants being pulled to the floor and then came the surprising touch of Indi's lips on my legs.

When Indiana stood in front of me again I pulled her lips to mine once more and held her against me with my hands on her hips. I could tell that she was getting impatient this wasn’t what she asked for.

No sooner than that thought had passed through my mind did I feel her taking control. She placed her palms flat against my chest and pushed me forcefully backwards towards my bed; I chuckled at her urgency. I was oblivious to the moment when the back of my legs came into contact with the side of my bed; I was lost in the whirling excited pools of blue that were her eyes. I fell onto the bed with Indiana following suit. 'Okay' I thought 'now it's my turn'. I grabbed her hips and flipped her over flat on her back and knelt over her.

Indi was different to the other girls I had dated; she was normal. By 'normal' I don't mean that the other girls were nut-jobs, I mean that Indiana is not the 'ideal' image of what a woman should be; she isn't six feet tall; her legs aren't stick thin; she actually has curves; you can't see her bones when she takes her shirt off; her boobs aren't massive, but neither are they tiny; she doesn’t have flawless skin and her hair isn't always perfect. She is a normal girl, she's a real woman.

I placed my hands on her waist and lowered myself down so my lips were just above her, only a few millimetres out of her reach. She hated my teasing, but I loved it. I knew teasing her would only make her want me more, and the more she wanted me, the more I wanted her. Unfortunately, even I couldn’t keep teasing her for much longer because I have an even shorter tether than she does. I was driving myself mental; I couldn’t take it any longer.

"Jai, stop. Just stop teasing." Indiana begged while trying to reach to my lips.

I smiled, "Trust me babe, I can't for much longer."

"Then don't. Jai, just please."

I had got to the point where I just couldn’t wait any longer. I reached over to my backpack that was lying on the floor and fumbled around for a condom.

"Jai I have some in my bag let me get them."

"No I've got it, don't move." I said as my fingers brushed the side of the packet.

Indiana looked at me with an expression that I had never seen mark her face before: need. Right then all she wanted was me and trust me, I was more than happy with that. I unclipped her bra with one hand and slid her underwear off with the other (a lacy piece of material that just happened to be a thong might I add) then removed my boxers and put the condom on.

"Jai, I, oh gosh."

"What Indi, what is it?" I asked concerned.

"I love you Jai, I have been waiting for this for so, so long."

I smiled at her, "Indiana, you have no idea."

With that I finally granted her what she wanted. I touched my lips to hers and let our bodies join.

I don't know what Dale was talking about when he said that she was 'shit in bed' because she was unbelievable; better than all my previous girlfriends put together. It was clear that she wasn’t at all new to this and it's not like I don't know how many people she has slept with - when I say she tells me everything, I mean she tells me everything - but to be honest I'm convinced that those occasions made her two-hundred percent better than she would be had she only been with one other guy. Even though I had imagined this night so many times before, I was way off, this was heaps better than all my fantasies in one. Indiana is amazing.

Indiana and I collapsed onto each other, breathless. I reached for her hands and intertwined my fingers with hers as she laid her head on my chest and regained her composure.

"Jai, that was incredible."

"I know Indiana, I know."

I lay in my bed all night cuddling with Indiana; I was the big spoon. I wrapped my arms around her and nuzzled my face into her neck giving her small kisses. It was perfect.

We went through two regular condoms and one of Indiana's cola flavoured ones that night. Well you know, go hard or go home…

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