Chapter 4...

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I must have had a really retarded smile on my face when I got back home because the first thing Beau said to me was, 'How come you're so happy?' Brilliant.

"Nice to see you too Beau." I said bluntly.

Beau rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, forget all that hi how are you shit, just answer my question." 

"There's no rule saying that I have to."

"I'm the oldest so you have to do what I say. Let's try again, how come you are so happy?" He repeated.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You're messed up today, like really aggro..."

"Meh, just tired I guess." He replied seeming to have forgotten the question he had asked me.

Happy that I had managed to dodge Beau's life quiz, I started to walk back to my room, but just as I reached the door he called out again. "Its Indiana isn't it."

I stopped, turned around and trudged back to talk to him.

"Yeah I thought so." He said with a slight smirk on his face.

"And what of it?" I asked smirking back at him.

"You like her." He stated.

'Playing the feelings card are we Beau?' I thought. He's not getting it out of me that easy... "Yeah, course I do. She's my best friend."

Again Beau rolled his eyes. "Don't skip around it Jai, you know what I meant."

I took a second to decide how to answer my older brother, struggling with the idea of admitting what I felt against the idea of lying to him. Eventually after some internal debating, I came to the conclusion that it was probably easier to just admit it. 

"So what if I do." I said, trying not to make myself sound too love struck.

"So why are you fucking about so much?" I have to admit, he's good at getting the information he wants out of people.

"Because I'm completely head over heels and she's just not." I said before I had the time to stop myself.

"How do you know, have you asked her?" Beau was actually trying to be helpful for once.

"No, I just know. I've been friend-zoned and what am I supposed to do about that?" 

I could tell that he was getting frustrated with me. "You've loved her ever since you met her and you're telling me that you never once told her?"

"Yes, she doesn't know."

"You complete idiot."

"Wait, What?" I asked.

"I said you're an idiot." He clarified.


"Because you honestly think that one, she doesn't know you're in love with her and two, she isn't in love with you."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "What do you mean?"

Beau sighed in exasperation. "Anyone with eyes can see that you love each other. I mean really? And you wonder why people don't believe that you two are 'just friends'? Christ Jai, you are an idiot."

I physically could not find any words to say in response to him.

"Just tell her. The next time you see her. Don't keep putting it off. You'll regret it. Trust me." Beau said dead serious.

I just stood there like the idiot that Beau kept telling me I was until Luke spoke up, I didn't even realise he had come into the room. "Beau's right, you're crazy if you don't say anything."

It took me several minutes to form a reasonable reply. I knew deep down that they were right, I had to tell her. Even if she said that she didn't like me in the way that I like her, there is still that possibility that she does and I just can't let that pass me by. "You're right I have to tell her. But not tomorrow, I need time to think about it."

"What's there to think about?" Luke asked me.

"How I tell her. I can't just come out with it, if it's taken me this long just to figure out that I have to actually talk to her about it I have to do it properly when do." I told him. For once, I was completely sure about Indiana and I couldn't let that go.

"Good. Now go and think. The sooner you tell her the better." Beau told me as he pointed to mine and Luke's room. 

Obediently, I shuffled off to lie on my bed and contemplate my life.

Amour - A Jai Brooks Love Story [ ON HOLD ]Where stories live. Discover now