Chapter 5...

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Over the next few days I came so close to telling Indiana how I felt hundreds of times; but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. As she was at school I would be texting her all day and see her every evening when she was done, just like normal. I would get so close and then back out, almost as if I was scared of her reaction. Which I guess, in a way, I kinda was.

I know that Beau and Luke came fucking close to telling her too. I actually had to throw something at Luke once to get him to shut his mouth. I don't think she could tell I was hiding something, but it is Indiana so I wouldn't put it past her.

Because neither Luke nor I attend school now, I didn’t know what was happening with Indi and the people at school about the Dale and her father situations. All I knew was what she chose to tell me, and as much as I don't want to believe it, I know she completely sugar coated it. She'd say that people had said things but nothing bad and they were all being supportive, no hate. But I could tell that she was lying by the way she refused to look me in the eyes when she told me. That is one of the reasons I wish we hadn't dropped out of school; I'm not there by her side when people start talking and I can't do anything to make it right. Unfortunately, the pros of leaving school outweighed the cons… Sometimes I wish I could go back but I know that if I did all the things that made me leave would just get worse.

On Thursday night, Indiana and I were sat together on the love seat in her room watching TV when she shot up put of her seat and ran to the bathroom.
"Indi are you alright?" I called out to her as I cautiously followed her.
The only sound I got back was the sound of Indiana reaching her guts up. Shit.
"Shit, babe! What happened?" She still couldn’t reply so I sat down next to her held her hair back and sat with her for a good ten minutes until she was done.
I handed her a towel and a cup of water. "Are you done?"
"Yeah I think so." She replied hoarsely.
"What was that all about?" I ask her worriedly.
"I don't know I just suddenly felt really awful."
"Do you think it was something you ate?"
"I don't think so, the only food I've eaten today is a salad and some fruit."
"Well it doesn’t sound like food poisoning, you must be sick."
"Crap, I can't be sick. I need to be at school I have a big final coming up." Indiana huffed.
"Indi, you've just puked you're guts up. You are not going to school until you're completely better. I'm not going to let you." I told her.
"Fine." She sighed as she rinsed her mouth again and shuffled back to the love seat.

 I could not feel any worse for her. She was completely crushed and super ill. I didn’t know what to do. As I sat down next to her she leant up against me, with her head on my chest and her hand on my leg, and fell asleep. I sat holding her hand, tracing patterns on it with my thumb, for around an hour.

By the time I was grabbing my backpack to go home, Indiana had vomited three more times and the colour had completely drained from her face. She looked like death.
"I don't have to go if you don't want me to Indi. I can stay." I told her as I hoisted my bag up onto my shoulder.
"No, I'll be fine. Go. I'll speak to you tomorrow." She replied weakly.
"If you're sure…"
"I'm sure. Now go, I need to sleep." She shuffled me out of the door by waving her hands at me. I sighed and obeyed her commands, telling her that if she needed anything then all she needed to do was text me and I'd be there. She assured me that she would and left me to exit her house on my own.

On my way home I passed by the drug store and went in to buy some medicine to take to her the next day. I knew that she wouldn’t really appreciate it but I just wanted her to get better as soon as possible.

When I got home mum and Luke were in bed and Beau was at some friend's house somewhere so I had the house pretty much to myself. I wandered into the kitchen and grabbed some tuna salad I had made earlier and sat down on the couch. I reached over to get my iPad in order to spend a few hours in my little Tumblr world. Logging in I wondered if I should tell the fans that Indiana was ill and decided to tweet an indirect about her that I knew the fans would figure out and send her loads of get-well-soon messages. I didn’t take long for my dashboard to fill with messages and picture edits with that exact message either and my ask box exploded with questions. I sat there eating my salad and answering some questions for well over two hours. I reblogged some of their edits and then checked my tracked tags; Jaiana and Indiana Brooks.

I absolutely hate the couple name that some of them have given us, I mean 'Jaiana' really? But it seemed to be the only tag that showed me the posts I want to see; manipulation pictures of her and me, text posts showing their 'shipping', and even some video montages.

Seeing these made me realise that this really was real. I love Indiana. You only have to glance at my Tumblr tags to see that. Before I could change my mind I quickly typed up a tweet and a text post saying 'tomorrow will either make or break me, I can't put it off any longer'. I'd decided that tomorrow was the day. The day I was going to tell Indi how I felt.

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