Chapter 18...

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A couple of days later I was lounging on the couch when my phone buzzed with a text from Indiana. “Is it okay if I call you? x”
Almost as soon as I replied my phone lit up with Indi’s caller ID.
“Hey, what’s up babe?” I say as I answer.
“I need to talk to you about something...” She sounded distant.
“Sure, what is it?”
She hesitated before answering, “Can you meet me after school and come back to my place? I really need to talk to you face to face.”
Several hundred butterflies suddenly awoke in my stomach; I’d heard these words before and I didn’t like them. “Indi please tell me that I’ll still have you by the end of the day.”
“Oh Jai, of course you will! Don’t be so stupid!” Indiana replied shocked.
I sighed in relief allowing the fluttering in my stomach to relax a little. “Jesus, don’t scare me like that babe.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to sound like that. Will you meet me later?”
I smiled a little as I replied, “Sure, I’ll meet you at the gates Indi.”
“Okay, I’ll see you then. I love you.”
“I love you too” I replied and I heard her hang up.

Throughout the remainder of the day, I couldn’t help but worry about what Indiana needed to talk to me about. There were so many things that could be wrong, but equally there are so many things that could be incredibly right. I found myself pacing the floor several times not being able to remember when I stood up because I was so engrossed in my thoughts to register having done so. My brothers walked past a couple of times and tried to engage me in conversation but inevitably gave up due to my completely impersonable state and wandered off grumbling to their selves about how much I pissed them off. Every time I looked at the clock I expected it to show 2:45pm meaning that I would have to leave to meet Indiana but time was passing so slowly that I was beginning to think it was going backwards. When the time finally came for me to leave I had been over-thinking for hours and was almost debating whether or not to cancel on Indi so I had to give myself a pep-talk in order to get myself out of the door.

I got to the gates of Penola just as Indi got out of the door. She smiled at me as she walked towards me and took my hand walking me to her house. I could tell that she knew I was nervous as fuck because she kept squeezing my hand trying to make me feel at ease; although to be honest just having her skin touching mine was enough to calm me slightly. We chatted all the way to Indi’s about everything except the issue that she called me to talk about.

Once we were comfortably sat on her bed together she began to speak. “Jai, I know you’ve been worrying all day because I can see it in your eyes.”
“I can’t help it, generally when your girlfriend tells you that she needs to talk to you it’s not exactly good news.” I said with a nervous laugh.
“I know but honestly Jai, I don’t think it’s as bad as you think it is.”
“Alright then, tell me what’s up.” I told her as she took one of my hands in both of hers.
Indi took a deep breath then said, “I’m late.”
“Late for what?”
“My period Jai.” She said looking straight into my eyes.
I fell silent for a few seconds and could see a touch of fear slinking into Indiana’s composure. “What do you mean Indi?”
“I think I might be pregnant.”
“Are you sure that you’re not just late?” I asked her anxiously.
“I’m sure. I haven’t been late once in the past three years.”
“How has this happened?” I asked baffled and unable to fully comprehend the information that had just been dropped on me.
“I don’t know; we were so careful Jai...” She said looking down into her lap.
I paused for a second trying to figure it out when suddenly it hit me. “Unless it was when we were drunk. Did we use a condom then?”
Indiana’s hand flew to her mouth. “No. I remember you telling me that you hadn’t got one and I told you that it wouldn’t matter, I wouldn’t get pregnant. There was such a small chance... Oh Jai, what have I done?”
“Indi, it wasn’t your fault. It was a joint effort. And plus, we were so drunk that we weren’t thinking straight.” I told her trying to comfort her.
She buried her head in her hands; “I don’t know what to do Jai” came a muffled voice from between them.
“Have you taken a test yet?”
“No. I wanted to wait to do one with you. I wanted you to be there when I found out one way or the other.”
“Okay, we’ll get a test tomorrow and we’ll find out the result together.” I told her supportively.
Indi sighed and threw herself into my chest where she proceeded to insult herself multiple times over how stupid she thought she was and what her parents would think of her when she told them.
“Jai I’ve never been the sort of person to live life recklessly and I know that this wasn’t reckless and it was just a mistake, but I don’t think my parents will be able to see that. I’ve always been their model child, I’m always home on time, I’m never drunk around them, I always get good grades, and I don’t even think they know that I’m not a virgin...” She worried out loud.
I couldn’t help but smile at the final bit of her speech because Indiana hasn’t only lost her virginity, but she’s taken a few others’ and she’s fairly expert at doing so. “Babe, it’s going to be fine. Whatever happens we’ll get through it and your parents will just have to deal with it even though I know that they won’t get as mad as you think they will. They love you and they only want to support you.”
“They always say that teen mums are throwing their life away; how could they think of me any differently?”
“Because you’re their daughter Indi.”

After several more minutes of worried exchanges and a few tears I eventually managed to get her to calm down and convince her that everything would be okay because I would not let anything happen to her. “Indiana I promise that I won’t leave you alone in this. I’m going to be here whenever you need me just like I always am and if things don’t go as planned when you tell your parents then you know that you will be able to move in with Mum, Luke, Beau and I for as long as you need to. None of us will leave you alone in this.”
Indi looked up at me with eyes glistening from the tears previously fallen and said, “I know Jai, that’s why I love you so fucking much.”
I smiled as I brushed her hair from her face and kissed her tenderly on the corner of her mouth. “I love you more. More than you can imagine...”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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