Chapter 8...

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When I arrived back home I went straight to my room where I threw my bag and shoes onto the pile of clothes in the corner; Luke and I really need to sort that out. I grabbed my iPad and remembered that everyone on Tumblr and Twitter was still worrying about me. I thought for a while about which way was the best to tell the internet about me and Indiana, until I resorted to posting a photo of us with a caption of 'My baby and I today, best day.'

Now our fans are quick at reacting, but today Luke beat them by miles.

"Explain." He said as he burst into our room a second after the picture was posted.

"Hello Jai how are you? I'm fine thank you, what about you? I'm good thanks for asking." I said, deliberately annoying my twin.

"Yeah, yeah."

"What do you mean explain?" I asked him, glancing up from my iPad screen for a moment.

"This." Luke turned his iPhone so I could see the picture of me and Indiana on his Instagram feed.

"Are you really that stupid?" I laughed.

"Oh shut the fuck up Jai and tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"For fucks sake! Are you two dating or not?"

"Why don't you ask her?"

"What? Just tell me!"

I didn’t answer him; I just stayed silent revelling in his annoyance.

Luke rolled his eyes at me. "Stop being a dick."

"Fine! Yes, yes we are! Yes. Fuck."

"You are what?" Luke asked; this time he was the one pissing me off.

"Dating." I replied monosyllabically.

"Thank you." Luke seemed very happy now that he had managed to get the information he wanted out of me. "So what happened?"

After telling Luke about mine and Indiana's day, my brother seemed to fancy his chances at being the next Jerry Springer; asking me one hundred and one questions that he really had no right to know the answer to.

"Luke, we've literally been a couple for nine hours. Fuck off with the interrogation will you." I sighed exasperatedly.

"Fine, but you'll have to tell me some time."

"Like I said, there is nothing to tell, unless you want to hear about how I had to hold her hair back while she was vomiting over the toilet?"

He smirked at me. "Was it because she kissed you?"

"Fuck up Luke. No she had some ice-cream and because she's sick she couldn’t keep it down. So shut up." By this time in the conversation I had abandoned the iPad for a bit and had picked up my iPhone and started to text Indiana.

"I would prefer it if you didn’t text while I'm talking to you. Who are you texting anyway?" Luke asked.

"Indiana." I replied.

"Jesus Christ, you two are going to drive me insane." And with that, he left the room.

About an hour later Beau came home from work and confronted me about Indiana too. Luckily he wasn’t really all that bothered about it; he just wanted to know how and when I told her I was in love with her. So after explaining it all for a second time I was quite exhausted from the endless questions.

"So what did she say?" my big brother asked.

"She said that she had known how I felt for a while and she said that she felt the same."

"Is that it? After your practically Grammy winning speech, that’s all she said?" Beau just stood there staring at me in disbelief.

"No, she said that we've been dating for years; it's just that we didn’t realise when everyone else did."

Beau straightened his stance in pride and said, "What did I tell you?"

"Yes, yes, I know. Now can I please have some peace?!"

"Alright moody." Beau replied as he slumped off out of my room.

Finally. There would be no more questions from my brothers tonight; the only questions would be from my favourite people on the planet, the fans…

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