Chapter 2...

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I woke up with the sound of my phone going off with Indiana's ringtone, so it's fair to say I wasn't in the best mood when I answered it.
"Mmm" I grunted down the phone at her.
"Jai wake up. I need you." She said. From what I could hear, it sounded as if she was crying. 
"Indi what's happened?" I asked her, now wide awake and sitting bolt upright ready for anything that she might throw at me. 
For a moment she said nothing, I could only hear the sound of her gentle sobs through the speaker. "I just need you Jai. Please come and find me." 
By this point I was already dressed in sweat pants and a hoodie and rummaging through my backpack for my keys. "Okay I'm coming babe, where are you?"
"In the park."
"Okay babe. Calm down, I'm coming." I told her as I scribbled something down for my mum on the back of a pizza flyer that I found on the floor telling her where I was if she was to wake up and I wasn't there.
"Thank you." That was all she said as she hung up the phone ready to wait for me.

Sure I've been in these situations a million times with Indiana before but this time I was really worried. I sprinted down the various different streets to the park with so many scenarios running through my head.

When I reached the park she was sitting on the swing, her head in her hands. I walked up to her, took her in my arms, and held her tight. She put her hands around my waist and cried on my shoulder. This is the worst I have ever seen her.

We stayed like this until her sobs reduced a little and she could finally bring herself to speak.
"They're gone Jai." She choked out.
"Who is Indi? Who's gone?" I asked gently pushing her hair away from her eyes so I could wipe away her tears.
"Dale. He's left me." 
"Who else Indi? Tell me."
"My... My... My dad Jai, he left." She burst into full floods of tears again. 
I froze. No way did that just happen. These things just don't happen to Indiana.

I couldn't think of anything to say that wouldn't either sound harsh or disinterested. I just squeezed her tight and stroked her hair to calm her. 
"The same day Jai! How does this all happen on the same day?!" She half screamed at me with all the strength she could muster.
This time I did have a response. "Because they knew you would have someone to come to."
She just looked at me and smiled; a small, weak, teary smile.
"I always have you Jai." She whispered.
"Always." I replied. 

For the rest of the night we sat cuddled up together in the park. I managed to cheer her up enough that she didn't start crying again every time she tried to explain what had happened. We started with Dale. Her now ex-boyfriend.

"He just text me earlier saying that he needed to talk to me." She began. I didn't say anything. I didn't want her to lose it again. 
"So I replied telling him to meet me here and then we could talk properly. But he refused. Instead he rang me and told me everything he needed to say. He attempted that classic little speech 'it's not you it's me' but he got it a little mixed up. 'It's not me it's you'. That's what he said. And the thing is, he meant it." At this point my blood was boiling. I seriously wanted to punch this Dale guy right in the face. 
"He said that I hadn't been spending enough time with him and I was always too busy with school work and friends-" she glanced up at me then and I knew he didn't say 'friends' he'd said 'Jai' "-to spend any time with him. He even had the guts to tell me that I was shit in bed and that he'd only stayed with me this long because he felt sorry for me. He said that in the past year that we were together the only time he really enjoyed sex with me was when I was drunk and didn't know what he was doing." I was actually shaking with anger by the time Indiana revealed that golden piece of information.
"He told me that of all his girlfriends, I was by far the worst. He then continued to say that although 'we' didn't work out he still wants to be 'friends'; meaning that he still wants me to be there to fuck him when he can't get anyone else, but doesn't actually want to talk to me. He finished his little break-up speech with 'It was nice while it lasted' and hung up." Now Indiana had got it all out of her system, she was angry instead of the blubbering mess of a girl that she was previously.
"I'm going to kill him." I said before I even realised the words had passed through my mind.
Indiana just laughed. "You can get Beau and Luke to help." 
I smiled, my anger was only just beginning to ease out. 

Having got the Dale situation out of her I knew that getting her to tell me about her father was going to be a lot harder... 

I was only small when my dad left us so I don't really remember him that well and the whole leaving situation didn't even register in my little head. All I know is that he wasn't there and that it still hurts mum sometimes but that's it. Neither Beau nor Luke can remember it much either so even though we've been through it ourselves, we aren't really that much use when it comes to helping others. 

As useless as I knew I would be, I had to help her and the only way I could do that would be to get her to tell me about it...

"This is going to be a lot worse to say but, what happened with your dad Indi?" I asked, trying to broach the subject gently.
Indiana just sighed.
"You don't have to tell me now if you don't want to. I'll be here whenever you're ready." I told her as I took her hand.
She squeezed my hand and said, "No, I need to tell you now or it will just get worse." 
I waited for her to gather her thoughts and continue. 
"Okay, I'm ready. Here goes..."

She took a deep calming breath and began. "I guess I should have seen it coming really, mum and dad had been arguing for months. And I mean properly arguing, screaming the house down not just the odd raised voice. And they were arguing about stupid things that turned into massive issues. I should have seen the signs." She bowed her head.
"Its okay Indi, I'm here. Keep going, you're doing great." I said encouragingly.
She smiled slightly and continued. "When I got back from yours tonight I went through the whole Dale situation and then went up to my room and watched a couple of movies to calm down a bit. I mean it's not the first bad break-up I've been through is it? So I figured I would just need a few days with people that love me and I would be fine." 
I nodded her forward. "Just as the movies finished, mum and dad came in and said they needed to talk to me. I had calmed down a bit from the call with Dale so I agreed and cleared a space for them on my bed. Dad sat down and mum pulled up my desk chair." She paused before telling me the hardest part.
"Dad took my hands and looked me in the eyes and explained that my mother and him had come to a point in their relationship where they no longer wanted to be together. They told me everything as if I was a five year old who wouldn't understand. He said that he was going to live with my grandparents for a few weeks until he sorted everything out and that I would always be able to see him and that would never change." I wiped a tear from her cheek that had escaped while she was recounting her dad's comments.
"He sat with me until I had regained some control over my crying and then he told me to look after myself and mum, kissed me on my forehead, got up, and left." Tears were now streaming from her eyes, I took her in my arms again and held her until she relaxed and her tears reduced to light sobs against my chest.

It was 2:30am by the time I got her back to mine. I told her that she wasn't going home until she was completely ready. She agreed and crawled into my bed and settled down to get what little sleep she could. 

Looking down on her sleeping, It really hit me how much I wish she was mine. She was so beautiful and peaceful laying there with her hair creating a perfect halo around her head, all the worries of the day temporarily gone from her mind. 

As I lay down next to her I smiled. Even though Indiana and I had slept in the same bed hundreds of times before, this was the first time that it really mattered to me so much.

I was the one she came to when she had all the shit happen in her life and I was the one who she felt most comfortable with and I was the one that she knew would always be there. It felt, in some way, that for once, she really truly loved me too.

Amour - A Jai Brooks Love Story [ ON HOLD ]Where stories live. Discover now