Chapter 11...

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I had set the alarm on my phone to go off just before sunrise so when it woke me up I was slightly groggy from sleep. I checked the time; it was 5:00am.

Indiana was still curled up against my chest when I gently woke her by brushing her hair away from her face.

"Morning beautiful." I smiled at her as she opened her eyes

Indiana smiled back at me. "What time is it?" she asked, noticing the darkness around us.

"It's Just gone five."

She frowned at me. "Why am I up this early?"

I laughed and replied, "We're going to watch the sunrise."

"What's with all the romantic crap?" she asked me smiling.


"What do you mean?"

"You're the reason for 'all the romantic crap'" I told her, putting air quotes around the phrase she had used.

"I still don't understand."

I sighed; she did understand, she just wanted me to say it. "You are the reason that I'm being all romantic Indi; I love you. I have never done anything like this with any of my previous girlfriends, only you have been perfect and special enough to bring out this side of me. I would do anything to make you happy and I know you love this type of thing; you love sunsets, romantic meals, getting cards on Valentine's Day, good morning and good night texts, phone calls just to say 'I love you', red roses, walking in the rain, holding hands, hugs, falling asleep on Skype, gentle kisses on your lips and having someone make time for you no matter how busy they are. I always have and I always will be the person that does all those things. I love you Indiana."

"I know, I love you too Jai." She replied while intertwining her fingers with mine. I leant down gently pushed her chin up so she was looking me in the eyes and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

Even though I tell her every day, I don't think she really realises how much I do love her.

We sat cuddled up together in the entrance to the rocky alcove and watched the sun rise over the horizon of the beautiful crystal clear ocean.

We stayed at the beach swimming and building sand-castles until around 11:30am when we shoved all our stuff in my backpack and walked hand in hand back to the train station. We managed to get to the platform just in time for the 12 o'clock train that would take us home.

It took another five hours to get back to Melbourne but we enjoyed it this time; I can just imagine how loved up we must have looked to anyone who boarded the train after us. Indiana sat on my lap for the entire journey and couldn’t stop gushing about how 'perfect' and 'unbelievable' the past two days had been.  After about two hours of this, I tuned out from what she was saying and just watched the shapes her lip made as she spoke; watched her expressions. I did this until I couldn’t take it anymore and planted a hungry kiss on her lips stopping her in mid sentence. Her reaction was very amusing; she sort of froze for a second in shock and then returned the kiss just as hungrily.

When we got back to Melbourne I discovered that Mum, Luke and Beau were all out at our Nonna and Nonno's which left me a free house for the night.

"Indi, stay over tonight?" I asked her in probably the worst seductive voice in the world.

"Mmm, sounds good." She answered. "I have to go home to get some things first though."

"Okay." I replied beginning to make my way to her house.

We got to the Ashby household and charged up the stairs to her room quicker than ever, where Indi ran around her room grabbing all sorts of things and throwing them to me to put in her bag. I was fine with this until she started to throw underwear to me. I caught it and tried to put it away in the bag as if it was nothing important; seeing my attempt to be nonchalant, Indi came over to me and pulled me close looking up into my eyes. "we are doing what I think we're doing tonight right?"

"What do you think we're doing?" I asked, at a loss for any other words.

"Having sex." She responded directly.

I smiled. "Only if you want to."

Indiana rolled her eyes, "Jai, I have wanted this for so long you do not understand."

"For real?" I said slightly surprised.

"Yes." With that Indi got up on her tip-toes and pulled my face to hers, lips locking in a passionate kiss. I moved my hands from her waist to the sides of her face and hers moved around to the back of my neck pulling me impossibly closer.

"Indi if we don't stop now I won't make it to my house." I told her through her kisses.

"Me neither." She agreed stepping away from me and going to the bottom draw in her dresser to pull out a packet of condoms and show me.

"We have some already; I live in a house with two other teenage boys Indi." I stated.

"Fair point" she said "but are they cola flavoured?" Indiana raised an eyebrow at me.

"Bring them." Indiana smiled slightly at my urgency but none the less quickly shoved them in her bag along with the sexy lingerie.

We ran back down the stairs shouting where we were going to her parents and yelling 'goodbyes' as we shut the door behind us. Indiana reached for my hand as we ran full pelt to my house smiling and laughing all the way in anticipation of what was to come.

Amour - A Jai Brooks Love Story [ ON HOLD ]Where stories live. Discover now