Chapter 2

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Myra's POV
"Anakin, Myra. How would you like to come with us back to Coruscant to become Jedi masters?" Qui-Gon asks us.

"Really?" We both asked.

"Yeah, I've talked to Watto into letting you two go. And he said yes." Summer told us.

"Do our moms get to come too?" Anakin asked.

"We're sorry but they can't. They are gonna have to stay here." Qui-Gon said.

"Mommy?" I look at her.

"You two go and pack, ok?" Mom told us. We did went to our rooms and pack our stuff and went back out.

"Ready you two?" Terri asked. We both nodded.

We started to leave when I stopped. I ran back to hug my mom. Anakin did the same.

"We can't do it, mom. We just can't." Anakin said.

"I know baby. But this is what it needs to be." Shmi said.

"When Ani and I become Jedi masters, we will come back to free you both. I promise." I said.

"You two better get going. We love you both." Mom said.

"We love you guys too." We both said

We ran back to where the others are standing.

"We're ready." I said.

We look back at our mothers as they wave at us.

"Im gonna miss them, Ani." I said.

"Me too, Myra. But look on the bright side. When we are done with our training, we'll get to travel the galaxy as Jedi's!" Anakin said, smiling at me.

"Yeah, you're right! This is gonna be cool!" I giggled.

Anakin's thoughts
'I wish Myra knew I love her."

Myra's thoughts
'I wish Ani knew I love him.'

Terri's POV
We were halfway to the ship when we heard a noise above us. Of course, it's him. I was ready to fight him when Summer stopped me.

"Get to the ship all of you now! You too, Terri!" Summer ordered us as she and Qui-Gon stay behind.

When we got on the ship, I hiss as I sat down. Myra sat next to me.

"Are you okay?" Myra asked.

"I'm okay. Just pissed off." I said.

"I think you're lying." Myra said.

"Smart girl, aren't you?" I smirked at her.

Qui-Gon and Summer came into the ship, looking exhausted.

"Are you okay?" Anakin asked.

"What happened out there, Master?" Obi-Wan asked.

"A sith! The force was really strong in him." Qui-Gon said, panting.

"What did it want?" Padmé asked.

"I don't know." Qui-Gon said.

"I do." Summer said. We all look at her as she eyed me.

"Me?" I was shocked.

"Not only you but these two." She mentions Anakin and Myra.

"For what reason?" Myra asked.

"I don't know but I know the reason for Terri." Summer explained.

"As his queen." I don't even have to have her say it. All Sith Lords are like there with me.

"Yes." Summer said.

"We're not letting that happen." Obi-Wan said, determination filled his eyes.

"Or you're protecting her from anyone who wants her." Omar said.

"Can we go before he finds us?" I was getting nervous.

"Let's go to Naboo." Padmé suggested.

"Yes. There we go." Qui-Gon said.


We all got to Naboo safely. While we were walking, Padmé and I were talking.

"Terri, it's okay. Obi-Wan said he'll protect you." Padmé said.

"I know. It's nice of him." I said softly.

"Terri, do you love him?" Padmé asked.

"Okay, yes. I do love him. But it could never work. First, the Code. Then, after what happen to my parents." I explained.

"It won't be like that. Believe me." Padmé assures me.

"I don't know." I muttered.

When they got the door and Summer opened it, it was Darth Maul. Aw, come on!

"We're taking care of him! Everyone else, go!" Summer ordered.

"We will go back." Padmé said and everyone but me, Summer, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Myra left.

"Myra, Anakin go!" I told them.

"Ani, come on!" Myra grabs his hand and they took off with R2. They enter a cruiser and took off.

The four of us begin to battle Darth Maul. Until we reached an area where we stop until the lights were off. Qui-Gon and Summer were fighting Darth Maul while Obi-Wan and I were waiting at the last night. Darth Maul was too quick and dove his lightsaber into Qui-Gon's stomach and then, stabs Summer in her chest.

"NO!" Obi-Wan shouted as Qui-Gon and Summer both fell to the ground.

All I saw was red. I want to kill him! Darth Maul looked at us and he walked back and forth at the last light. When it turned off, we ambushed him. After a few minutes of fighting, Obi-Wan sliced him in half while I slice his head off.

"Summer?" I walked over to her but she's...she's dead. But Qui-Gon wasn't. Not yet.

"Obi-Wan. Terri." Qui-Gon said.

"We are here, Master." Obi-Wan said.

"Train the boy. And Terri. Train the girl. Both of them are the chosen Ones. I know it." Qui-Gon told us.

"We will, Master." I said.

"And Terri. There's something Summer and I haven't told you. We...we are your parents." After he said that, he died. I stood there in disbelief.

All these years, I have been told by my aunt Cecelia that my parents are both dead and here they are, both Jedi Masters have been my parents the entire time and haven't told me.

That's when I cried. Screaming and crying. My entire life has been nothing but a lie but I know they want to protect me and love me so much. And now, they're dead. Arms went around me and it was Obi-Wan. We held onto each other and never let go.

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