Chapter 8

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Myra's POV
The next morning, we had a funeral for both our mothers.

"I am so sorry, mommy. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I love you so much." I squealed as I cry.

"I know where you are, it is much better there. You are the best loving partner a man could ever have. Goodbye my darling wife, Shmi. And thank you, Savannah for being the best baby sister I could ask for. Goodbye, little sister." Cleigg said to both graves.

Anakin moved bit forward and falls down on both of his knees and picks up a handful of sand.

"I wasn't strong enough to save you Mom. But I promise that I won't fail again." Anakin said. "I miss you so much. You too, Savannah."

"R2? What are you doing here?" Padmé asked.

"He seems to be carrying a message from an Obi-Wan Kenobi. Master Ani and Mistress Myra's does that mean anything to you?" 3PO asked. We went to the ship with R2 leading. Once there, we were taken to a hologram.

"Anakin, Myra, My transmitter has been locked out. So is Terri's. Please transmit this message to Coruscant." Obi-Wan says in the hologram.

Omar turns around and transmits the message. "Terri and I have tracked down the bounty hunter named Jango Fett to droid factory in Geonosis. The Trade Federation has detected a droid army. And it is clear that Gunray is behind the attacks of Senator Amidala and Senator Martinez. They have pledged their armies to Count Dooku and..wait.." Obi-Wan pulls out his lightsaber as we heard a woman cussing.

"Damn you, Dooku! You will pay for that!" It was Terri's voice.

"This cannot be good." I mutters.

Then, Master Windu appeared. "Anakin, Myra, it is important for you to stay where you are. Protect the senators at all cost. That is your first priority."

"Okay." I said.

"Of course, Master." Anakin says and Windu is gone.

"They aren't gonna reach them in time. They'll have to go half way across the galaxy. I say we go. We're closer to them." I said.

"If they are still alive." Anakin said.

"They're smart. They are still alive." I said.

"You are going to just sit here and let them die?" Padmé asked. "He is your friend, your mentor."

"He is like my father. And Terri is like my big sister. Myra, you heard Master Windu, he gave us strict orders to stay here." Anakin said.

"He gave your strict orders to protect us. And Padmé and I are going to help Obi-Wan and Terri." Omar said.

"To protect them, we have to go along." I said.

"Yeah." Anakin smirks at me.

Time skip.....

We arrived at Geonosis. Darker than Tatooine. Now, to find our masters and get cussed at for disobeying orders.

"See those columns of steam up ahead?" Padmé asked. "They're exhaust vents of some sort."

"Look What ever happens out there, stay close to us ok?" Padmé said.

"We don't want to get into any wars here. As a diplomatic members, we want to find a solution out of this." Omar said.

"Alright. Stay close to me Ani." I said, elbowing him jokingly.


We were being under attack by the Genotians. One of them cuts my hand but a gunfire kills it. It was a kid no older than twelve.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Boba Fett." Boba said.

"Jango had a son?" I was confused.

"I want to help you find Terri and her friend." Boba said.

"Alright, stay by me." I told him and he agreed.

We ran to where the others are at. Just in time to see Omar and Padmé falls down from the moving platform and me and Boba did too.

"Myra!" Padmé and Omar both yelled.

"I'm fine!" I yelled.

"Who's the kid?" Omar asked.

"Boba Fett. And don't worry, he's helping us. We need to move." I said.

"Myra!" Ani!

"Boba, stay here with them!" I ordered him as I ran to where Ani is but almost metabolized myself.

"Myra! Anakin yells again.

"I'm trying!" I yelled in pain.

I run towards to Anakin and fall on my back. Next to him.

He holds me close to avoid the blade. He let's go and I turn the other way to avoid it. It cuts the end of my ponytail which is fantastic. I turned back to Anakin as the blades lifts. That isn't the end though. I stand up and Anakin knew what to do. Double blades are next. He avoids them and a half of his lightsaber skids towards me. Damn. I avoid the blades as I get to Anakin. Anakin tried to light up his lightsaber and it won't work.

"Damn." I said.

"Oh, not again. Obi-Wan is going to kill me." Anakin sighs.

"You think." I cross my arms.

I heard a jet pack come down towards us and I pull out my lightsaber but it was shot out of my hand.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled.

"Don't move, Jedi! Take them away." The msn says.

"Great." I muttered.

"We're screwed." Anakin mutters.

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