Chapter 9

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The outfit Myra is wearing but it will be ripped

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The outfit Myra is wearing but it will be ripped....

The outfit Myra is wearing but it will be ripped

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The outfit Terri is wearing but it will be torn....

Myra's POV
I had my hands tied behind my back as I stand with Anakin, Padmé, and Omar. Boba is nowhere to be found. I was thinking about all the things I didn't do. Let alone telling Anakin how I feel about.

"Don't be afraid." Anakin said.

"I'm not afraid to die." I said. "I have been dying a little bit ever since you came back into my life."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I love you." I said it.

Omar and Padmé gasps as Anakin looks at me with shock and disbelief.

"You love me?" He asks and I nodded. "But I thought we have decided not to fall in love. That we would be forced to live a lie, that it would destroy our lives."

"I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway. But I want you to know, that I truly, deeply, love you. And before we die, I want you to know." I said, leaning in and kissing him. He kissed me back.

"Our ship has sailed, honey!" Padmé gasps as she tells Omar.

"Yup. Our job is done." Omar smirked.

We pull away as the carriage moves, where a large crowd is cheering. Then, we spot Obi-Wan and Terri there with their hands chained up.

"I was wondering if you've gotten my message?" Obi-Wan asks Anakin.

"We transmit it like you asked. Then, we decide to come and rescue you two." Anakin said.

"Good job forming a rescuing party." Terri said, sarcastically.

"I note that sarcasm!" I hissed.

"Ha!" She laughs.

I picked my lock and I saw Padmé and Omar doing the same thing. The audience cheered as they release 3 creatures. The three of us climbed up the pole. One of the creatures was cat-like and it scratched Padmé and Omar in the back. I swing down to kicked it and I crashed on the ground. The creature scratches me in the back, making a shirt into a crop top. It was about to bite my leg but Anakin was riding the beast with the horn, killing the cat-like creature. I climbed up onto the beast, hold onto him tightly and kissed Anakin on the cheek. He brings it to Padmé and Omar which they jumped down too. He makes the beast go over to Obi-Wan and Terri, who has Boba on her back. When he did appear? The trio climbed on. I'm surprise that we can all fit. I loosen my grip on Anakin so nobody would notice. Then, destroyers roll out.

"They really want you guys dead." Boba said.

"And you too since your father notice your betrayal." Terri said.

Then, we saw a bunch of light. Lightsabers.

"About damn time!" I sighed.

"Here take these!" A Jedi yelled, throwing me, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Terri lightsabers. We turned them on, blocking shots left to right.

Padmé, Omar, and Boba all got guns and joined the fight. We were thrown off the beast and hid behind the carriage that had been flipped over as shield from the blasters. Padmé, Omar, Boba, Anakin, and I hide there.

Once the remaining Jedi formed a circle in the center of the arena, the droids lowered their weapons. We were so confused until we heard Dooku's voice.

"Master Windu! You have fought gallantly. Worthy of recognition in the Jedi order. is finished. Surrender and your lives will be spared." Dooku said.

"We are not hostages to be bartered with Dooku." Master Windu said.

"Very well then. Seize them!"

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