Chapter 13

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Myra's POV
We received a speeder ride all the way to the temple. We meet up with the senators including Bail Organa, Jar Jar, C-3PO. Even Master Windu was there. Obi-Wan and Terri have to go back to the council while Anakin and I delivered Dooku to Master Windu.


"Both of your actions were extremely helpful to the republic and the Jedi, Masters Skywalker and Williams." Master Windu.

Anakin and I were both caught off guard when Windu said that.

"Master?" We both asked.

"You two have earned that right and a welcome to the Jedi Council." Master Windu bowed to us in respect which we did the same.

"And now, will Padawans Tano and Wayne step forward please?" Ashoka and Lex did that. And their braids were cut, making them Jedi Knights. The youngest knights in history.

After that, there was a meeting about the capture of Count Dooku.

"While Myra and I were battling Dooku, Palpatine requested that I should kill him rather than let him live." Anakin informed them.

The council were mumbling until Master a Windu cried out, "What?!"

"Yes, he would rather have him kill Dooku than let Dooku be captured and let the republic or Jedi get the information we need from him." I added on.

"Trying to hide an ugly truth, it is." Master Yoda said.

The Council agreed with him, making it clear the next move is to find out what Dooku knows anything about the Chancellor.

Time skip.....

"Hello, Master Williams. Or should I say Skywalker?" Padmé said as I came inside her apartment where Omar came and hugged me.

"Congratulations on becoming a Jedi Master and being on the Council." Omar said.

"Thank you. And I wasn't the only one." I said, as Anakin walks inside.

"Oh, congratulations Ani!" Padmé cried in happiness as she and Omar both hugged him.

"Thank you guys." Anakin smiled at them.

"We are so proud of you two." Terri said as she and Obi-Wan came in and close the door behind them. Ashoka and Lex were talking with Boba.

"And to Snips and Lexi on becoming Knights." Anakin said and they turned around.

"All because of your training." Ashoka smiles.

"Now, that everyone is here. Padmé, Myra, and I all have a big announcement to make." Terri spoke up.

"What is it?" Boba asked.

"Something wonderful has happen to us." Padmé said.

"What is it? Come on, tell us." Lex groaned.

"We're pregnant." I said.

That's when drinks being spit out, almost being chocked on food.

"All of you?" Omar asked.

"Yes." Padmé said.

"This is wonderful. I'm gonna be a father." Obi-Wan cried as he hugs Terri.

"Same. This is best day of my life." Anakin said as he spins me around and I giggled.

"Yes! I knew this day gonna come!" Omar kisses Padmé.

"So, I'm gonna be a big brother?" Boba asked.

After the death of his father, Boba has been living with Omar and Padmé. He really has becoming a a sweetheart and kind soul. And also a Jedi. He has been officially became a Padawan and has been trained under Master Abanaka which was doing well.

"Yes. You are." Padmé smiles as Boba hugs her.

"I guess Ashoka and I are officially godparents." Lex said as Ashoka agrees with him.

"Congratulations Skyguy. You too, Skygirl." Ashoka said, calling us by our nicknames.

"Thank you, Snips." We both smirked at her as she blushed.

It was truly the best day ever.

The next day....

There was a trial at the temple so we have to be there.

"Count Jard Dooku, you stand for turning against the Jedi. How do you plead?" Master Windu asked.

"Not guilty." Dooku said. Really?

"Who was the Sith Lord that you were telling me and Obi-Wan about just before the war started that was in control of the Senate?" Terri asked.

"This will shock all of you, even Skywalker and Williams. The Sith Lord is Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. He was aiming to turn Anakin to the dark side. If that failed, he will turn his attention to Myra and try to aim her to the dark side." Dooku explained.

What?! The Chancellor wants me to become a Sith Lord? Even worse, he tried to get my husband to become a Sith Lord. Oh hell no! Over my dead body, he ain't!

"If he turned either one of them or both of them to the dark side, then he would've activate the inhibitor chips in your clone troopers to execute all of the Jedi." Dooku added.

"What? Is that what happened to Tup a few months ago?" I asked.

"Yes. Just like Clone Trooper Tup." Dooku said.

"What should we do to him? Strip the force from him or sentence him to prison for life?" Windu asked.

"Discuss this, we will, in private." Yoda said.

The guards took Dooku away as we discuss what should we do with him and we all agreed with life in prison and hope none of his goons break him out.

"So, who will go to confront Palpatine?" Ki-Adi-Mundi asked.

"I will, with Master Windu, Kenobi, Walder, Skywalker, and Williams." Master Yoda said.

"We need to execute Order 65 in case Dooku is telling the truth." Master Windu said.

"That we will." Master Yoda agreed.

Oh, I can't imagine how this one will go but here we go.

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