Chapter 7

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Myra's Pjs....

Myra's POV
That might, I had a nightmare about Shmi and my mother.

"No, no. Guys, please no please. No, no, No!" I screamed as I woke up. I got up and went out on the porch.

The next morning, Anakin came out and saw him. He was about to leave but I stopped him.

"Don't go, Ani." I say.

"You're focused. I don't want to bother you, My."

"No, your presence is soothing."

"What happened in the nightmares last night, Myra?" Anakin asked.

"Jedi don't have nightmares."

"Apparently you and I do." 

"I saw my mother and your mother. My mother was bleeding and your mother is suffering somewhere. We need to go get them." I said and Ani agreed.

"To not get you two into trouble, Omar and I will go with." Padmé said and we nodded.

Time skip.....

We arrive on Tatooine by using Padmé's ship. We took some sorta of taxi. Omar day in the passenger seat while the three of us squished in the back while I sat in the middle. Yeah! We arrive at merchant shop.

"Chuck, chuck Watt." I spoke to the merchant.

He knows for a while until he know who we are.

"Myra? Ani?" Watto asks.

Then, he has a some sort of smile on his face.

"Myra! Ani! It is you! Jedis whatddya know! Maybe you guys can help me with some deadbeats who owe me a lot of money."

"That is enough, Watto. We're looking for our mothers. Shmi and Savannah." I said.

"Shmi and Savannah. They aren't mine anymore. I sold them. Years and years ago....sorry Ani and Myra but uh business and business." Watto says.

"To who did you sell them to, Watto?" Anakin asked.

"Both if them to a farmer...a guy named Lars. Truth be told I heard he takes great care of them and he married Shmi. And treats Savannah like a baby sister." Watto said.

"Where are they now?" Anakin asked.

"Long way from here. Somewhere over the other side of Mos Eisley. I think." Watto said.

"We would like to know, Watto." I groaned.

"Uh, sure. Absolutely! I'll show you. Come let us go look at my records." Watto said.

Third Person POV
A few minutes later, Anakin and Myra appeared and got on the ship.

"Well, where are we going?" Omar asked.

"I will drive." Anakin said.

They fly off towards the outskirts. When they got there, they saw a familiar droid outside.

"Stay with the ship, R2." Padmé tells R2.

"Oh! Hello, I am C-"

"3PO?" Myra said.

"Oh! The markers! Master Ani and Mistress Myra! So wonderful to see you two again." He replies.

"We are looking for our mothers Shmi and Savannah."

"O-oh. I think we should go inside." 3PO said and he leads us to the stand of the igloo.

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