Chapter 10

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Myra's POV
The Jedi prepared themselves for a fight. I gripped my lightsaber tighter as I pull Boba behind me as he held his gun tighter. I mean, his father just died and yet, he's siding with the enemy. Didn't even effect him but maybe he saw us as his new family. The droids charged up theirs weapons, aiming at us, making all the Jedi instantly tighten their lightsabers.

But then, a large shadow appeared, causing a huge sand storm. It was a ship. Then, more ships appeared and out came thousands of men dressed in white armored, shooting at the droids.

"Did somebody called some rescue service?" It was Diablo.

"Diablo!" Terri and I ran and hug him. He hugs us.

"How did you know we were here and needed help?" Padmé asked.

"Master Yoda told me and me and the clones could used some assistance." Diablo said.

The clones and the droids fought back as the Jedi held their ground. The ships formed a protected circle around us and we quickly got inside and take off.

"Geez, Diablo, you know how to make an-" Terri got cut off due to something hitting the ship, which caused me to fall, taking Terri, a clone, and Boba with me. Our backs hit the hot sand and roll down until we stopped.

"Are you okay? The clone asked.

"We're fine. Call reinforcements. We need to get to Dooku." Terri ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." The clone said.

Anakin's POV
"Myra!!!" I yelled as she falls. "Lowe the ship! We have to get her!"

"Anakin, Control your feelings! You must follow through with your missions. You're a Jedi!" Obi-Wan shouts.

"I need to save her!" I yell back.

"I wanna save Terri too! But I can't! If they find out, we will be kicked out of the order! We need to catch Dooku! I need you! What would Myra do?!"

"Myra and Terri would do their duty first and then check on others later." Padmé reminded us. I looked ahead and saw Count Dooku riding a speeder.

"That's Count Dooku! Shoot him!" I yelled.

"We ran out of ammo, sir." He said.

"Follow him." I spoke, glaring at the man who has put my beloved Myra's life at danger. And Terri's life twice.

Terri's POV
We arrived at the old, worn out building and we enter, just in time to see Dooku slashing Anakin's right hand off and throwing him to where Obi-Wan is at. He is covered in cuts.

"Ani!" Myra yelled and Dooku looked at us.

"Ahh, Master Walder. And her little padawan, Myra. Glad you could make it." Dooku walked towards us.

"You're gonna regret ever laying your lightsaber on them." I snarled at him.

"I know see the picture. You two are in love with Master Kenobi and his Padawan. How sweet. And I bet, Terri; you're married to Kenobi, I see. Maybe you two could stand there and watch me kill your beloved men." Dooku smirked.

"Not if I'll kill you first!" I fly into a rage and attack Dooku. Myra joins me and we battled Dooku.

But he overpowers us as he slash me in multiple parts of my body and throws me to the ground, next to Anakin. Myra tried to attack Dooku but he slash her hand and she screamed.

"No!" I yelled and he throws her on me and I blacked out.


I woke up in the med room in the Jedi Temple.
I suddenly remember the fight with Dooku and I slam my fist on the bed.

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