Chapter 5

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Myra's POV
So many people. I feel like they're watching me. Well, men are and they are making flirty faces at me. But I must find her. That's when I spot her so I start chasing after her. Until.....

Terri's POV
BANG! Follow by a woman screaming. Oh shit!

"You hear that?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Shit, Myra!" I cried as I got up and ran towards that noise where everyone is backing away from.

"Alright, everyone, this is private business. Back to your drinks." It was Myra. Thank god she's okay.

A man was carrying the bounty hunter we were after in a bridal style and out the door. We follow close behind.

"Myra, what happened?" Anakin asks her.

"She got her ass saved by Terri's old friend." I gasped as I look at the man smirking at me. It was Diablo. My old friend.

Anakin and Obi-Wan start interrogations right away as I hug Diablo. He hugs me back as he laughs.

"Terri, you look beautiful." Diablo said.

"Thank you, you look real handsome." I giggled.

"Thanks." He smirked.

"Tell us now!" Anakin demanded when the she refused to cooperate. She was about to say something when suddenly a small bullet-shaped thing zipped through the air, embedding itself inside the bounty hunter's neck. Myra and I gasped as we both stepped back. That's when Diablo wraps his arms around my waist and Myra's waist.

"What was that?" Myra asked as she was blushing.

"A toxic dart." Obi-Wan told her.

Third Person POV
"Oh, okay." Myra nods.

Anakin and Obi-Wan both got up and turned around to an unexpected and unpleasant surprise. A man has both his arms around Terri and Myra. Obi-Wan knew the man was Diablo. Terri's "old" friend. He still hates him from the day he met Terri. Anakin's eyes widened with shock and then, his eyes darkened with two emotions. Anger and Jealousy.

"Oh, Anakin, Myra, this is my old friend, Diablo. Diablo, these two are Jedi Padawans Anakin Skywalker and Myra Williams." Terri introduces them.

Diablo extended his hand for Anakin which he was hesitant at first but shakes it anyway.

"So, this pretty young lady is a Jedi-in-training. I thought she would suited better for a model." Diablo smirks at Myra.

"Aw, thank you. I get that a lot from other men." Myra giggled as she blushed.

"And Obi-Wan Kenobi, long time no see." Diablo crosses his arms.

"I could say the same about you, Diablo." Obi-Wan did the same and death glares each other.

"Master, you know this man?" Anakin asked as he cross his arms too.

"Yes. We go way back. Don't we?"

"Of course, let me remind you that I should have kept her. Not you."

"Too bad. Cause she belongs to me now."

"Hey! Don't start! Let's head back!" Terri blushed as she and Myra leaves.

"Bye, Diablo!" Myra waved.

"Goodbye, Myra. It was really nice to meet you." Diablo smirked as Anakin and Obi-Wan both shoved past him.


Terri's POV
"I don't like him." Anakin said.

"Diablo. He's so nice and sweet. If it wasn't for him, I would have been dead." Myra said.

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