32. Poets Pub

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Days spent in isolated seclusion
fingers tapping away at keys
scratching on scraps of paper

Words stuffed away in drawers 
-dark corner of bedroom-
Locked in a vacuum

Loneliness – gnaws at the soul

Odd, she's odd
Never does anything
Just stays in her room
What does she even do in there?
I don't know

But then
Flash of light in dark cosmos

Random scrolling
Leads to something beautiful


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Place for all poets
No judgement; no egos
No borders; no barriers

Words no longer locked in isolation
Ideas shared in
supportive community
Embracing verses big and small

Lonely no more
Odd no more.

I wrote this for Poets Pub's fourth year anniversary collection last year and as it it now their fifth I thought I would post it in here. I think it is even more fitting in this time of social isolation. This will be the last poem in the collection. It expresses exactly what deciding to post this first book here on Wattpad did for me. I am so grateful to everyone who reads, votes and comments and provides advice on my writing.

All the new poems that I write this year will be going in weekly Whimsy. I took almost a 2 month break from it,  but I hope to be back to writing from now on.


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