Your hot....

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You woke up to laughing. You slowly open your eyes to see Carlos, Gio and Jabez in the doorway. Your eyes flutter open. You felt a strong  grip around your waist. You turn around a little bit to see Alex's arms around your waist. His eyes flutter open and meet yours. His grip quickly loosens and you get up. You turn around to be met with Jabez behind you.

J -" What the hell were you all doing"

A&y/n -" Sleeping"

All -" Uh huh"

Y/n -" Im gonna go...."

You grab your stuff and walked home. All you could think about was Alex. You couldn't get him off your mind. Everything you tried, he always came rushing back. You finally got back before your mom woke up. She never knew you didnt come home. You took a quick shower and changed.

It was simple but cute. You rushed out the door saying your goodbyes and hopped in your car. You were already 10 minutes late. You pull into school and run to your first hour class. You were now 20 minutes late. You walk in and all eyes are turn towards you.

Y/t/n -" Ms.y/l/n your 20 minute's late"

Y/n -" Ya I know"

You just looked at her with a dumb look tapping your foot.

Y/t/n -" Excuse me"

Y/n -" Did I say something to offend you ms whatever your name is"

Y/t/n -" I know your new but this is not how we act"

Y/n -" Well im gonna go sit down now if you don't mind"

You walk down and sit next to Carlos. He looked at you.

C -" Why were you late"

Y/n -" Why you nosey"

C -" I was just wondering"

Y/n -" I had to walk home and get changed and stuff ok ya good now"

C -" You had to walk from your boyfrienddsss house"

Y/n -" We aren't dating, and never would. He's a hoe"

A -" I feel attacked and not yet" he whispered the last part

Y/n -" what was that Alex"

A -" Nothing I was talking to um gio"

Y/n -" Ok...."

You turn around and pay attention to your teacher. You had free time all hour so you played on your phone. You were already almost done with your project so you didn't have to worry. Leilani's class joined you since they were doing the same project. You and her just talked and made tik toks and took pictures. You were just posing and making weird faces.

C -" uh hey uh me and Alex are having a party this Friday. We wanted to know if yall wanna come"

Y/n -" Lani will you go with me"

L -" Um sure"

Y/n -" Where at

C -" at gios"

Y/n -" Carlos why are you guys being so nice to us"

C -" I dont know, why dont you ask your little boyfriend"

Y/n -" Oh my god he aint my boyfriend"

Lani gave you a weird look and followed you over to Alex. You tapped on his shoulder and he turned around.

Y/n -" Why are you being so nice to us, I thought you hated Lani and bullied her"

A -" I do but she isn't as bad plus.... Your hot and I want you to be mine so I gotta win you over don't I "

You playfully roll your eyes at him and walk away. You just talked to Lani the rest of the hour. You could see Alex look at you in the corner of your eye. It was cute that he was admiring you.


Authors note

Imma update again, I'm really getting into tho book. Dont forget to vote!

Word could: 619

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