Above cover was made by me :-)
This chapter, is dedicated to Piesie2001 so check out her awesome new mystery novel; Death in High Heels.
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|| Felix's POV ||
Sitting two seats away from Eno, especially in Further Maths class, could be very frustrating. I could hear their little talks and it was hindering me from concentrating in class.
I looked at Saviour, who was trying to balance a pen on his nose out of boredom. As usual, I was seated in between my two best buds.
"Hey," Saviour flinched as my hands touched his shoulder. His pen lost its balance and fell to the floor.
"Dude, what gives?" Saviour said in irritation, then bent down to pickup his pen.
"Just wanted to ask if the girls were irritating you, as much as they are irritating me." I said, then gestured to Eno and her friends.
"I'm used to her presence irritating me," Saviour commented, before he decided to listen to Mr Ezekiel.
"As much as I hate her like always, I'm kind of feeling sorry for her." Dafe sighed. "I mean she just got betrayed by her friend. We should give her some breathing space by not talking behind her back."
Dafe had informed Saviour and I, about what took place at his basketball's meeting.
"Eno's a strong girl. She'll surely get over it." I said, as I scribbled down some formulae.
"Well she didn't give me any breathing space when I waxed my brows!" Saviour protested, making Dafe to groan.
"Look at who is complaining, but you're not tired of her friend, mumu boy." Dafe commented, same time he reached towards me, so he could slap Saviour slightly at the back of his head.
"Sofia will surely fall for me," Saviour declared.
"Keep dreaming," Dafe scoffed, then reached for his backpack.
Saviour had been crushing on Sofia since Jss3, ever since he had that leg cramp at the school's pool and Sofia happened to be there to rescue him.
No one Knew Sofia could swim, we all thought she was only good at running. According to Saviour, he was unable to move cause of his leg cramp and was almost drowning in the pool. But then, he saw a movement in the pool coming towards him. He claimed it was a mermaid sent to rescue him - stupid Saviour. Once at the surface of the pool, he decided to see what his mermaid looked like. Lo and behold, it was Sofia. She took him to the nurse's office and ran to look for Dafe and I. She told us about Saviour's predicament, and when Dafe and I arrived at the nurse's office, Saviour began to blab about how much he was in love.
"I'm not dreaming, she will be mine I tell you. Mine!" Everyone turned to look at Saviour, and my eyes happened to meet Eno's. She scrunched her nose at me, before turning her attention back to the front of the class.
"Well too bad," I said to Saviour. "She's friends with Eno."
"She's nothing like that annoying__" Saviour stopped himself, before he could say a bad word. "She's different from Eno."
The automatic bell rang, indicating that this period was over, and the next was a free one.
"Whatever you say man," I shrugged it off, and shoved my Further Maths text and note book inside my backpack. I stood up from my seat and stretched a little. "I need to go buy some snacks. Catch you up later."

Teen Fiction****A Wattpad Featured Novel**** • • • (Book one) Many of us, have read lots of books and watched lots of movies, about a boy who dumped his long termed girlfriend just cause he fell in love with a new character. The...