****A Wattpad Featured Novel****
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(Book one)
Many of us, have read lots of books and watched lots of movies, about a boy who dumped his long termed girlfriend just cause he fell in love with a new character. The...
So for heads up, I could only update today because this chapter is very short. Reason is because, it's in Eno's POV. So don't be angry.
This chapter is dedicated to adeolamary check out her book; BECOMING REAL. And also, Oghomenaf for being an amazing reader. • • •
||Eno's POV||
I wouldn't know how long I've been tied up in this cold room. Maybe two weeks and some days. The environment felt cold, like it had no contact with the outside sun and the room smelt like sweat.
I guess it was my sweat.
My head still ached badly and my wrist and ankle also hurt from the strong tight ropes. I was seated on a wooden like chair and my eyes couldn't see anything cause it was blindfolded.
I wasn't alone in the room, that part was obvious. I hadn't eaten anything for two weeks straight, but my kidnapper had the sympathy of giving me water once in a while.
"Please," My voice felt almost lifeless, as I spoke. "Why are you doing this?"
The only thing that could come out from my kidnapper's mouth, were chuckles and nothing more.
"J-Just please, let me go. My m-mother must be worried s-sick." I pleaded again, as my tears mixed with the blood dripping from the side of my head. I was never this weak. I was Eno-Obong Ekanem. But this was just too much, even for me.
"Can't believe the great Eno can beg," My kidnapper laughed.
I knew who my kidnapper was, I wasn't stupid. Even if I was fast asleep, I wouldn't miss that voice. But my question, was why? Why go through this length, to see me suffer?
"W-Why are you doing this?" I barely asked. "Why wouldn't you let me be?"
"You never wanted it the easy way, so it had to resolve to this." I felt my kidnapper move closer, and whispered those words into my ear.
I wish I could scoff, but I couldn't find the strength to do that. "So you went this far, by hitting me at the back of my head till I loose consciousness, and then what? Tie me at God knows where and then starve me?"
"Hey," My kidnapper snapped. "In my defense, I gave you water."
I felt dizzy, way too dizzy for my liking. I let my hands grip the handle of the wooden chair, so it would keep me from falling. Which I knew was useless by the way, cause my hands and legs were tide to the chair, which means there was no way I could fall.
"Those waters, had taste." I tried to point out.
"So you think you've got the right to choose?" My kidnapper scoffed. "A begger's got no choice."
"I'm not a begger," I summoned the strength to yell a little at my kidnapper. "You brought me here, I never wanted to be here!"
"Well, your stupid stubbornness made me to do this." That made me to pause my lips.
"It isn't my fault you're_____"
"Shut up!" Yelled my kidnapper. "Just stop talking!"
"They are coming for you," I spoke up, ignoring the warnings. "My parents, my friends, the police. They are all coming for you."
"And do you think they'll know it's me? My words will confuse them and none would think I'm capable of doing such things." Laughter filled my ears.
I waited patiently for my kidnapper to laugh out loud. "You might think you've fooled them, but my friends will figure it out."
"And guess what," I leaned forward. Though blindfolded, I knew my kidnapper's face was right in front of mine.
"Felix is coming for you, and I advise you to better....... Run!"
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A/N - *sobs*
I feel so bad for my baby. ╥﹏╥
Like I said earlier, it's super short cause it's in Eno's POV. But I promise, I'll make next chapter a bit longer.
But that shouldn't stop y'all from flooding it with votes and comments. Oh, also share this book to others.