This chapter is dedicated to Ife_bohdey check out her awesome book; Scarlet.
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||Eno's POV||
Walking down the stairs, I was greeted with the sight of my mum, placing some toasted bread on the dining table.
"Mummy, good morning." I greeted, then placed my backpack close to my dining seat and sat down.
"Morning honey, Where's your sister?" Mum enquired, before heading to the kitchen.
"Disappearing," I sighed, then grasped my toast which was placed right in front of me, by my mum.
"You kids with your sense of humor," Mum placed a flask filled with hot tea, on the dining table.
My Dad was super wealthy and could hire as much maids and servants as he pleased. But Mum was against the idea of servants roaming around the compound. She wanted Emem and I to do things by ourselves. According to her, she was grooming us for the future.
The closest thing Dad had ever gotten as a help in the house, was the gate man and Charles, my designated driver. Since Emem happened to be here, I guess they expected me to share. So, Charles was no longer my designated driver, but ours.
"Morning mother," I heard Emem say. She got down from the stairs and walked into the dining room. Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. Well in this case, she shall appear.
"Morning Sugar," Mum smiled at her, and then placed a cup of tea and two toast, for her on the dining table. Emem, sat at the Chair beside me, since that was meant to be her spot.
"Look at you two," Mother cooed at us, and Dad decided it was the best time to join the big happy family breakfast table. Note the sarcasm? Right.
Dad kissed Mum on her left cheek, before sitting at his spot, which was located at the edge of the dining table.
"How was your night girls?" Dad asked, as he took a bite from his toast.
"Great," I shrugged.
"It was nice Dad," Emem said in a cheerful voice, making me to roll my eyes.
"I'm sure you're eager to meet your old friends, right?" Dad smiled, before sipping his tea from his tea cup.
Emem mirrored Dad's action, by sipping her own tea. "I don't know Dad, I could remember their names but not their faces."
"And she's meant to be the smarter twin?" I chuckled to myself, minding my own business.
Emem who heard me, looked at me disapprovingly, before drifting her attention back to Dad. "I want to go back to the state, Dad."
I scoffed at her choice of words. "No you don't. You just don't want to be in the same room with me."
"I wonder why," Emem said sarcastically, while she pretending to be in thought. Gosh, I hated her right now.
"Stop your bickering," Dad breathed out, then sighed before drinking his remaining tea. "It's seven - fifteen, you girls need to be at school." Emem and I, quickly gulped down our remaining tea and then bid Mum and Dad goodbye.
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After our designated driver gave Emem and I, a ride to school, we headed straight into the school's main building. Emem glanced around, to digest her surroundings. She only attended the first term of Jss1, before gaining a scholarship to school in the state.

Teen Fiction****A Wattpad Featured Novel**** • • • (Book one) Many of us, have read lots of books and watched lots of movies, about a boy who dumped his long termed girlfriend just cause he fell in love with a new character. The...