This chapter is dedicated to daringoma kindly over to her profile, and check her awesome books.
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||Eno's POV||
"Shade," I said, while looking at her with stunned eyes. She turned to my direction, to look at me.
"Shade," I called again, still trying to find my tongue. "You ain't pregnant." Shade's eyes traveled back to the paper. "You ain't pregnant!"
"Mum," Emem called, "She's not pregnant!" Seemed like I wasn't the only one who was excited about the turn of event.
Sofia had long wrapped Shade in a big gigantic bear hug. While Emem, was bombarding mum with series of questions.
I looked at my wrist watch, to see that it was ten minutes passed five. I wasn't bothered, cause Shade was more important.
"Mrs Ekanem," Shade sat upright, with a huge smile on her face. "I thought I was pregnant."
Mum brought out a chair and sat down. While Emem, Sofia and I, sat beside Shade on the small bed.
"What happened to Shade," Mum began, as she scanned us with her eyes. "Was just false pregnancy."
"False pregnancy?" Sofia asked in a confused manner.
"Yes, false pregnancy." Mum nodded her head. "False pregnancy in clinical terms, it's called pseudocyesis. It means, you believe you might be expecting a baby when actually, you're not really carrying a child."
I stole a glance at Shade, while mum continued. "People with pseudocyesis have many, if not all, symptoms of pregnancy."
"What causes false pregnancy?" Emem asked mum.
"It occurs when women or young girls such as Shade," Mum pointed at Shade. "Thinks they are pregnant, then her body may produce some pregnancy signs, such as; swollen belly, enlarged beasts and even the sensation of fatal movement. The humans brain then misinterpreted those signals as pregnancy. And then, triggers the release of hormones, such as estrogen and prolactin, which leads to actual pregnancy symptoms."
"Oooh," We all exclaimed at the same time.
"So Shade," Mum looked at Shade. "You're not pregnant, it's all in your head."
"Thank goodness," Shade exclaimed. "Thank you so much, Mrs Ekanem."
"My pleasure," Mum smiled warmly at her.
"Mum," Emem got the attention of mother, before she decided to continue. "I was thinking, could you convince dad, so both of you could talk to Shade's mum?"
Mum hummed, while trying to think. "Tomorrow, while you girls are at school, my husband and I will pay Shade's mum a visit."
My eyes mistakenly landed on the wall clock at mum's lab. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed once I saw the time. It was eight minutes to six. "Mum!"
"Mum looked at me with creased brows. "What is it?"
"I'm gonna be at school for an all night training, for the big game on Friday. And if I don't Start moving, I'm gonna be late!" I informed her, same time I got hold of my backpack. I quickly spared a glance at Emem's way.
"Go," She said, as if reading my thoughts. "Shade will give me a ride."
"Thank you so much," I gave her a quick hug, before dashing out of mother's lab.

Teen Fiction****A Wattpad Featured Novel**** • • • (Book one) Many of us, have read lots of books and watched lots of movies, about a boy who dumped his long termed girlfriend just cause he fell in love with a new character. The...