This chapter is dedicated to an amazing person Jhoiakpan kindly go over to her profile and check out her new book, A RED DAY. It's packed up with mystery, suspense and a psycho newly wed widow.
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||Felix's POV||
I walked into the hotel Jeremiah had described to us. I didn't go in alone, I was with Saviour and Dafe.
We were ready to confront Alex.
We walked into the room number after chatting with the receptionist, whom had her googling eyes all over Dafe.
"This is it, room 201." Saviour pointed at the crested number on the door.
I placed my knuckles on the door, and gave it a slight knock, out came Alex. Alex had a little shock on his face, but he quickly composed himself.
"What are you guys doing in front of my hotel room?" He asked, with a hint of surprise in his voice.
"To demand something," I casually said.
"Well I'm busy__" Alex started but he stopped, when his door went ajar.
Osas popped her head out, which made me to frown my face.
"What are you doing here?!" I snapped at Osas, then stopped. "What have you done?"
"Told him about our plan," Osas sinisterly smiled.
"Wait," Osas laughed out loud. "Did you think I'd have helped you rescue who? Eno?!"
I balled my fist with rage, as I looked down at a laughing Osas.
"I told you not to trust her!" Snapped Dafe. "Osas is nothing but a disgusting snitch."
"Why thank you," Osas bowed slightly. "Did I ask Felix or Shade to trust me? Or did I ask them to disclose their plans to me?"
"But at least, you like Felix." Saviour dragged in. "We all thought you'd help him!"
"Well I guess my hatred for Eno, is more than my feelings towards Felix." Osas replied, without missing a beat.
"Let's not waste out precious time, chatting with these three idiots." Alex said to Osas, then turned to look at me. "Don't even know how you got the tittle of the smartest kid at school, when you're so dumb."
His words earned him a blow on his cheek. And guess what, I did that honour.
"I know you're hiding Eno and I know the reasons behind all of that. You're upset she chose me over you, at the end of the day. And so because of that, you wanted her all to yourself!" I yelled.
"True true," Alex nodded and gently wiped his bloody lip.
"You're just a confuse freak. If you know you were so obsessed with Eno, Why dumb her for some girl?!" My anger seemed to have a mind of its own.
"Let's just say, I hated seeing her with you. You think you could have it all?" Alex laughed. "A father that's a step ahead of my Dad's business, good looks that could make every girl swoon, the perfect body and face, hell I even knew the school wanted to hand over the freaking head boy position to you, But you declined it! And now, you wanted to have the most popular girl at school? Well not on my watch. You are not going to have everything in life!"
"Shit!" I held my curly hair, ready to run mad. "What the hell is wrong with you guys and popularity?! You are in secondary school for crying out loud!"

Teen Fiction****A Wattpad Featured Novel**** • • • (Book one) Many of us, have read lots of books and watched lots of movies, about a boy who dumped his long termed girlfriend just cause he fell in love with a new character. The...