This chapter is dedicated to GoldWuoname check out her novel; Friendship.
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||Eno's POV||
I couldn't stop my mind from thinking about what happened at Felix's home. I could not believe we almost kissed. Gosh! I almost kissed Felix. Felix of all people!
Knock! Knock!
I hurriedly ran to the door and opened it.
"You texted me to come over. What is it? I'm__" Upon seeing Emem outside my room, I quickly got hold of her wrist and dragged her into my room, before shutting the door behind us.
"What is it Eno?" Emem demanded. "I was busy with my Geography assignment and I've got two more after that."
"Something happened today," I informed her, "Something happened when I was at Felix's."
Emem squinted her eyes at me, as if observing my features. "Don't tell me you guys had__"
"Shut up, Emem!" I snapped at her. Immediately, Emem nose flared up.
"Don't tell me to shut up, okay." She snapped back. "If you ain't ready to tell me what happened, then don't! I'm going back to my room." She turned and started heading for the door.
"I almost kissed Felix," I spilled out, shutting both eyes in the process. Emem halted, to digest what I just revealed.
"WHAAAAAAAT?!" She spun round to face me. Her eyes were so wide, and her mouth formed an 'O' shape. "You're kidding me, right?" She walked over and sat down on my bed.
I shook my head, then sat down beside her. "No I'm not. I almost kissed Felix," Then stopped to think for a bit, "I mean, Felix almost kissed me."
"How did it happen?" She asked, still looking at me with stunned eyes. "You guys despised each other."
"We had a moment," I said to her. "Turns out, Felix's life wasn't all that perfect after all."
"No one's got a perfect life," Emem voiced out. "Shade thinks she might be pregnant, You got dumped by your ex boyfriend and you hate me, no one knows what's actually happening with Sofia. The point is, no one's got a perfect life."
"I don't hate you," I mumbled.
"Sure you don't," Emem said sarcastically. "You've always showcased your hatred towards me. That's the more reason why I'm always mean to you. The only time you showed a little kindness, was when you defended me today in class."
"Cause....." I dragged, "I knew you would have beaten the hell out of Osas, if I did not intervene. I was trying to avoid that."
"So in other words, you were helping Osas?" She scoffed, "That explains it."
"No, I was helping you. Fighting is prohibited. If anyone should get into trouble, it should be me. Besides, I don't hate you. I just, strongly dislike you."
"It's called hate, Eno." Emem demanded, before bringing out her phone from her pajamas pocket.
"You shouldn't blame me," I snapped a little, "I was jealous of you. Hell, I still am. You're super intelligent, mum and dad loves you more, hell, everyone loves you more. You said no one's got a perfect life?" I scoffed, "You need to rephrase that, cause you've got a perfect life."

Teen Fiction****A Wattpad Featured Novel**** • • • (Book one) Many of us, have read lots of books and watched lots of movies, about a boy who dumped his long termed girlfriend just cause he fell in love with a new character. The...