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So, I promised a double update, and I always keep to my promise.


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||Eno's POV||

I woke up with a slight headache. It was as a result of me crying for that stupid excuse of a human being.

I should have known better, a love life wasn't meant for someone like me. I was and will always be 'THE WRONG GIRL', no argument needed.

Felix did all that for a bet, his feelings towards me weren't genuine. I was just a stupid Joke to him.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in," I groaned, not having the strength to get up from my bed.

The door opened with a creek sound, and in came Emem with a bowl of ice-cream. She walked over to the side of my bed, and helped herself by laying beside me. She placed the large bowl of ice-cream in between the both of us, shoved a stainless spoon my way, then covered herself with my comforter.

"What's this?" I grumbled.

"Well duh, it's ice-cream." Emem said in a matter of fact tone.

"I know what it is. I meant, what is it doing here?" I pointed at the bowl of ice-cream.

"Well you're feeling down, and I wanted to cheer you up." She opened the lid and peek in. It was a vanilla flavoured ice-cream.

"What is this? Some kind of cliché movie?" I scoffed. "I don't need an ice cream to feel better."

"I know cliché movies loves to do this a lot but, have you tried it before? It actually works!"

I sighed, but shoved my spoon into the bowl regardless. I pulled out a spoon full of vanilla flavoured ice-cream, and placed it into my mouth. It melted instantly, as my tongue welcome it's sweet goodness.

"This is actually good," I said to Emem, then took another spoon full of ice-cream. "This is surprisingly what I needed."

"Hey Eno," Emem called, as she licked her spoon. "About Fe__"

"Stop Emem," I whipped my head, to snap at her. Was she serious? Why would she mention that forbidden name here? "I don't want to hear any of it."


"No buts," I harshly shove my spoon into the bowl, to frighten her. "Let me enjoy this ice-cream in peace."

Emem lifted both hands up, as a act of surrendering. "Alright, I give up."

"Better," I placed another sweet goodness into my mouth.

"Where's mum and dad?" I decided to ask, once Emem stopped talking to me. I don't want to start having issues with my sister. Besides, it was Sunday and it was weird not to see our dad rushing mum, Emem and I, to get ready so we won't be late for Sunday service. "Aren't we going to church today?"

"No," Emem muffled, cause her mouth was filled with ice-cream. "They are plotting with Shade's mum about how their plans are going to be executed."

"Hmm," I hummed. "Mum and Dad are really trying. I'm actually surprised."

"Eno, do you think Shade will forgive her mother?" I knitted my brows as I thought about that.

"Yes. Mum thought about forgiveness the other day, right? I think her mum at the end of the day, would understand and learn her lesson. So I think it's only wise for Shade to forgive her." I voiced out my opinion.

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