This chapter is dedicated to Gamma_Leesha welcome back girl, missed you plenty.
• • •||Felix's POV||
I sounded the horn for the umpteenth times, as I waited for my uncle's gate man to get the gate. Since I had my licence and I could drive, I decided to drive mum and I to uncle's house, without my designated driver.
Honk! Honk!
I sounded the horn again. I was starting to get really frustrated. I heard a 'click' sound. The gate man opened the peeping hole a little, to see who it was. Once he noticed that I was the one, he quickly closed the peeping hole and fully opened the gate, before letting me to drive in.
I swiftly parked the car, before getting down and helping mother from the passenger seat.
"Gabriel, were you sleeping or something?!" I enquired in a really harsh tone.
"Sorry oga, I been dey sleep small." He said, in his usual way of speaking.
"Is uncle Gerald in?" I asked, as mum decided to get close to me, so as to calm me down. She knew I was still angry from earlier.
"Madam from oga side, welcome o!" Gabriel hailed mother, before looking at me. "No, he still dey work. But Madam dey inside Sha."
"Thank you," I turned to mum. "Let me get our luggage from the trunk. Gabriel, come and assist me." Together with Gabriel, we offloaded the boxes and wheeled it into the huge mansion in front of us.
We all walked into the well furnished living room, and Gabriel gently placed the boxes on the black shiny tiles, before going over to his duty post.
Mum and I began to hear footsteps. We tilted our heads up, to see Auntie Chidinma, coming down from the stairs.
"Huh, Auntie?" Auntie Chidinma sounded stunned, when she got noticed of mum and I.
She quickened her steps. And in no time, she was right in front of us. "Wow, lovely seeing you both here." She then diverted her attention towards me. "And here's my ever so handsome nephew."
I gave her a teasing warm smile. "Well thank God, cause you'd be seeing this handsome face around, for a very long time."
Auntie Chidinma creased her brows, before turning to look at mum for more explanation.
"We've both decided to leave my husband's house." Mum decided to break the ice. "H-He___"
"shhhhh," Auntie Chidinma quietly shush mum, and gave her a soft hug. "Whatever the problem is, we'd both solve it together. My place is your place. So you're welcome here anytime."
Mum nodded and wiped the tears away from her cheeks. "My younger brother isn't back, right?"
"Oh yeah, he's still at work." Auntie Chidinma, informed mum. "I'm at home, cause I don't have a schedule today."
Auntie Chidinma happened to be a real big deal in the country. She happened to be both a bridal makeup artist, and a model. And she was super popular with her work.
"Come on, I'll show you to your individual rooms." Auntie Chidinma chirped. "Let's get y'all freshened up."
She walked over to me, and helped lift up a box. We decided not to let mother lift any, while I got hold of the other two.

Teen Fiction****A Wattpad Featured Novel**** • • • (Book one) Many of us, have read lots of books and watched lots of movies, about a boy who dumped his long termed girlfriend just cause he fell in love with a new character. The...