This chapter is dedicated to Ztaoffy
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||Felix's POV||
Pacing back and forth for a girl, was never my thing. My mum was in the kitchen, making dinner for the guest that was yet to arrive. I told her to save the trouble cause Eno was only coming for a project, but she still insisted. She said she had to prepare dinner instead of the maids, cause it was my first time bringing home a girl. I tried to tell her that I was only friends with Eno because of a bet, but decided not to cause I knew she would be disappointed.
Ding! Dong!
"That must be Jerry, telling us that we've got a guest." I informed mum. "I'll get it mum." I walked over to the door, then tried the knob.
"You locked the door mum," I said, once I realised the door to the living room was locked.
"Oh my," Mum exclaimed in the kitchen. "My mistake Darling. I forgot to unlock it once the maids were done cleaning. The key is still in the key hole. Just turn it and it will unlock." Mum instructed.
"I know how the door works, mum." I mumbled, before turning the key. I began to open the door slowly.
"It's about time Eno. What took you so...." I stopped talking, when I noticed the person standing in front of me. ".... Dad."
"Have your guest arrived ye__" Mum was cut off, upon seeing her husband.
"What are you doing here?!" I screamed murder at him and also, not making way for him to pass through.
Close to two weeks! Close to two weeks, dad left home for work. He didn't come home on the first night, claiming he had lots of work to run in the company. It was clear he was having fun with his secretary. I knew the truth, mum knew the truth too. But she was too scared to face it.
"What are you doing here?" I repeated, still blocking his path.
"Is it now a taboo to come into my own home?!" Dad roared, but it had no effect on me. He should have known the type of son he brought into this world.
"Why don't you go fuck your secretary!" I yelled back.
"Felix," Mum screeched. "Why would you__"
"Am I interrupting something?" We heard a small voice say. I looked passed my dad, to see Eno, standing and looking like she wanted to be anywhere but here. I wouldn't blame her. I would too, if I was interrupting a family argument.
"Is that her?" Mum squealed behind me, "She's beautiful."
"Mum!" I whined, "Stop embarrassing me." I looked back at Eno, "Come on, we're both going over to my room."
That wasn't my original plan, I never wanted Eno to get anywhere close to my room. But seeing dad here, changed it all.
"Oh, no, no, no!" Mum said, putting both hands on my shoulders. "First, dinner. Come in girl."
That was when I realised that I was still blocking my father's path. We all walked over to the dining room. I sat opposite Eno, while mum and dad sat at the edge of the dining, facing each other. The servants began to serve the meal mum cooked herself.
"Your house is lovely, Mrs Paul." Eno smiled at mum. "And you guys got servants serving foods. What luxury."
"They are just servants," I said, sounding pissed all thanks to dad.

Jugendliteratur****A Wattpad Featured Novel**** • • • (Book one) Many of us, have read lots of books and watched lots of movies, about a boy who dumped his long termed girlfriend just cause he fell in love with a new character. The...