This chapter is dedicated to Rihanna_Adedeji check out her amazing Nigerian teen fiction novel; Behind The Gate of Lakeview.
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||Felix's POV||
I sounded the horn to my car, so as to get the gate man's attention. The gate man opened the gate within seconds and I drove into Eno's father's resident.
Taking out the keys from the ignition, I retrieved my phone from my side pocket. I was about texting Eno, about my arrival, when a loud knock from my window startled me.
I turned to the side, to see Eno smiling down at me. She waved her right hand frantically, as an indication for me to step out of my car.
I took in a sharp breath, before unlocking my car. I stepped out and stood in front of a smiling Eno.
"Welcome," She said in a cherry tone. I diverted my attention to the large house in front of me. "No one is at home, so you're free to come in."
She led the way into the mansion. Once in, I let my eyes digest its scenery.
"Nice place," I credited, and helped myself, by sitting on one of the couches.
"So," Eno sat beside me. "Felix." She called.
I turned to look at her. Eno still made my heart skip, even after she broke it with her harsh words and neglects.
"What is it?" I tried bringing myself out of the effect Eno still had on me.
"I want us to go back to the way things were in the beginning," She sighed. "I've been a bitch and__"
"I hated you in the beginning. Remember?" I stopped her from speaking any further. I just couldn't stand and watch her call herself a bitch.
"Well....." Eno dragged, as she rubbed the nape of her neck. "Maybe not from the beginning but..... Well, you know."
"After the bet," Upon hearing those words, Eno lowered her head.
"I still hated that bet," I lifted my left hand and was about stretching it towards her but, I decided against it.
"Then don't think about the bet," I sighed, as I placed both hands in my side pocket.
We remained silent for some seconds, which was kind of awkward.
All of a sudden, Eno jumped on the chair before yelling, "Right!" She held a hand up, like she just remembered something important.
"Come with me," She got hold of my hand and began to tuck it towards her direction.
"What is it?" I asked in confusion.
"Just come with me," Eno demanded. Her childish antics made the side of my lip to twitch, but I quickly hid the smile.
I decided to comply, as I got up from the couch and allowed Eno to drag me to God knows where. She led me into the dining, and forced me to sit on one of the seats.
"Wait here," She quickly said, before rushing into what I presume must be the kitchen.
"Like I've got a choice," I murmured dryly to myself. Eno came out with a tray and set of covered dishes. She walked towards the dining, and placed the set of dishes right in front of me.
"This is my peace offering," Eno gestured to the meal. "I realized the the Igbos, loves Egusi soup. So, I decided to prepare one."
Eno began to open each set. The soup was indeed eye catching. It was thick and had everything it needed. At the other set contained fufu, and a bottle of fruit wine laid down on the tray.

Teen Fiction****A Wattpad Featured Novel**** • • • (Book one) Many of us, have read lots of books and watched lots of movies, about a boy who dumped his long termed girlfriend just cause he fell in love with a new character. The...