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Victoria's brothers left for war in 1914 when she was just 14 years old. She had the best relationship with her brothers, they were all very close. Since Victoria was second youngest they always teased her and told her stories. They basically raised her after their mother died when she was very young and their father walked out. The news that her brothers would have to fight in a war made Victoria feel scared and confused; no one knew what to expect but Victoria just hoped they would all come home safe.

The day they had to get on the train and leave was awful. Everyone was hugging one another whilst holding back tears. No one knew what was in store for them and no one knew when they were going to see each other again.

"I'll be here waiting," she told Tommy after hugging him.

"I'll be back soon. I promise," he told her.

"I love you Tom."


Dear Tommy,

How are you brother? I miss you with all my heart. I know you've got it bad. I think about you every moment of every day. God is with you Tommy. Please pray to him, he is there, he will help. I can't wait to see you again, I hope you never have to leave ever again.

All my love, Victoria xx

Victoria wrote a letter to her brothers at least once ever 2 weeks. She never knew how to put her feelings down on paper, but she tried. She desperately wanted her brothers to know she was thinking of them and that they weren't to worry about her.

When Victoria's boyfriend Paul turned 16 in 1916 it was time for him to go and fight too. Paul had been her childhood sweetheart since they were 12 years old. Having already said goodbye to her brothers Victoria was dreading Paul leaving. No matter how many times they said they'd see each other soon neither of them really knew what was happening.


Dear my darling Paul,

How are you my love? I miss you terribly. I can't stop thinking about you, I haven't been able to sleep properly. Please write back and let me know you are still out there. My heart is breaking but my love for you gets stronger everyday.

From your darling Victoria xxx

Months later Victoria got a letter stating Paul had died and there wasn't even anything to send home. She felt her heart break that day, her whole life had been torn apart. She constantly prayed for her brothers safety, her heartbreak was unbearable, but she had to keep strong for her family and home and had to stay hopeful for her 3 older siblings. Victoria continued to write letters to her brothers and also to Paul, but she never sent the ones to Paul; she kept them in a drawer in her bedroom, where no one would find them.


Dear Tommy, Arthur and John

I hope that you are all well. I hear that it's nearly over. Is that true? I got news about Paul several days ago, he is dead and I am heartbroken. But I am hopeful for you three, I know you will be home for Christmas. Aunt Polly is well, as is Ada. We miss you all terribly. Please write back, let me know you are all alive and alright. But don't tell me if it's bad, I know it's bad, I read the papers. I look at the stars and moon every night, knowing that you can see the same sky makes it feel as if we are together. I could write a book to you all but I must stop myself as it's getting late.

All my love, your Victoria xxx


Finally. It was November 1918. Victoria hadn't seen her brothers in 4 years. These had been the longest years of her life. The family had gathered at the train station platform; there were hundreds, maybe thousands of people waiting to see their loved ones. As the train stopped and the soldiers got off everyone looked the same. Victoria pushed through the crowd desperately seeking her brothers embrace. Moments later she spotted Tommy. She couldn't hear anything around her or see anything else but her brother. Her heart raced as she ran towards him.

"Tommy!" She shouted and the two made eye contact. He opened his arms and Victoria ran into them, nearly knocking him over. "I missed you so much."

"I've missed you to." He said as they both cried.


Hi everyone, sorry I haven't updated in so long. I have so many drafts that are almost finished but life is so busy right now I've had no time. I'll try hard to post again soon. I have a really good scenario which is about 3 chapters, so it will be worth the wait. Thank you so much for reading, over 15k reads now and I am so grateful.

Another reminder that every chapter is a scenario and they do not take place in any order.

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