Walking Away

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"What's going on here then?" Arthur asked as he walked in. Tommy was still stood behind his desk and Victoria was sitting on the chair in front.

"Tell him then Victoria," Tommy said, still cross.

Victoria didn't say anything.

"Victoria has signed a contract without reading it. So now we've basically lost everything!" Tommy says, slamming his fist on the desk.

Victoria flinched in fear.

"What do you mean everything?" Arthur asked, confused.

"The money that the company's earned in the past year is gone. Signed off and gone," Tommy told him whilst looking at Victoria.

"I'm sorry. I know I've fucked up," Victoria finally said.

"You better fix this!" Tommy told her.

"How? You have been putting too much fucking pressure on all of us. You said to keep personal life separate from this business but I'm started to feel like this is becoming too personal. So I'm gonna go now, I'm gonna walk. I don't care anymore, about this company. I'm done," Victoria said.

"You can't leave just like that. You need to sort this!"

Victoria didn't listen and just walked out.

"She'll be back," Tommy said to Arthur.

Arthur smirked, he was proud that someone finally said what everyone was thinking. Tommy sighed, he was so annoyed.

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