Death and Destruction

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As Victoria entered the living room she saw her Aunt sleeping with empty bottles of alcohol scattered around the place. Victoria rubbed the temples of her forehead, last nights drinking didn't feel like such a good idea anymore. They had been out partying the night before Finn's wedding. He was finally getting married and the girl was beautiful, everyone was very happy for him.

"Polly," she whispered as she walked over to her. "Are you awake Pol?" There was no reply so Victoria decided to clean up the place first by taking the empty glasses into the kitchen.

As she set the glasses in the sink she looked out the window and sighed. She knew her drinking habits were bad, she was hungover almost everyday. She desperately wanted to stop and get her head clear, but alcohol made everything feel better. Walking back into the living room she accidentally knocked over a glass which shattered on the hard floor.

"Shit," she said under her breath.

But she noticed Polly hadn't stirred at all. It wasn't like her to sleep through things like that, especially when it was right next to her. Victoria stood over her aunt looking at her peaceful face.

"Polly," she said again. "Pol," she said louder. Touching her gently she spoke again, "Polly. Pol. Wake up Pol."

She shook her by her shoulders desperately wanting her to wake. Her body was cold and almost stiff. Tears began to fill Victoria's eyes, she knew her aunt wasn't going to wake up.

"Polly can you hear me? It's me, it's Victoria. Please wake up Aunt Pol," she cried.

Her aunt was dead.

Stepping backward and almost knocking over more empty bottles Victoria was overwhelmed by what she had just found. Not knowing what to do next she ran upstairs and into her room. Looking at her reflection in the mirror Victoria began to panic. She had been having panic attacks for years, but no one else knew. After she had let her tears free she decided to get ready for Finn's wedding, she didn't want anything to ruin his big day.


There was a knock at the door, it was Tommy who was here to pick her up. Walking slowly down the stairs Victoria had to hold onto the wall to keep her balance. Her head was filled with horrible thoughts and her heart was hurting. Looking into the living room she saw her frail Aunt still lying there. Turning away again and saying a silent prayer Victoria opened the door.

"Ready to go?" Tommy asked her. Her brother looked smart, he almost looked happy for once.

"Yeah," Victoria smiled.

"Where's Pol?" Tommy asked confused.

"Ehh," Victoria had to quickly think of an excuse, "she's got a bad headache so she'll maybe come later."

Tommy nodded and thought nothing of it. Getting into the car Victoria held back her tears.


They arrived at the church where most had already gathered.

"Where's aunt Pol?" Finn asked, he looked more nervous than ever and Victoria knew now was not the right time to break the worst news ever.

"She's not feeling well, she sends her love," she told her younger brother.

Tommy began to give Finn a pep talk and Victoria took her seat. The ceremony began but Victoria wasn't listening. She looked around at her siblings, at Michael and Gina and their child. How was she ever going to tell them?


After the ceremony they all went to Tommy's house for a celebration. Victoria sat at the table on her own drinking. She couldn't stop thinking about her aunt.

"Oh cheer up Vic," Ada told her. Victoria and Ada had never fully gotten along, Victoria liked to be involved with everything, especially the illegal part of things, Ada didn't share the same views.

"Fuck off Ada,"

"You can never be happy for anyone can you? Just because your lovers dead," Ada said nastily.

Victoria got up and walked away, she ignored her sister's regretful calling of her name. Going into the bathroom Victoria finally broke down. Sliding down the back of the door and sitting on the floor she held her hand over her mouth to try and stifle her cries.

Stepping out and back into the party she walked past everyone and went outside to smoke. Tommy had followed her and stood beside her outside whilst he also lit a cigarette.

"What's wrong with you Vic? Has something happened?" Tommy asked her, he knew Victoria better than anyone.

"Something's happened Tommy. Something big and bad," Victoria thought carefully about what to say next, but she felt like she had to get it off her chest.

"Ok. Well whatever it is I'll sort it. Please tell me," he said as they turned towards one another.

"It's Polly," Victoria's eyes filled with tears, she covered her mouth and shook her head.

"What? What's happened?" Tommy asked.

"She's dead Tommy."

Tommy didn't say anything, he had reacted in the same way Victoria had. Emotionless, but sure to break down afterward.

"Please say something Tom," Victoria hiccuped.

"Wha... how?"

"I don't know she was just lying there this morning. She wouldn't wake up and I..."

Tommy pulled Victoria in for a hug. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I couldn't ruin Finn's day. You can't tell anyone else Tommy, not today."

"We have to, it's not right to keep it from them. I'll gather everyone and I'll just have to tell them," he said whilst rubbing his temples and walking back up the steps.

Victoria stopped her tears and prepared herself for what was going to happen next. She walked back inside and into Tommy's office. She stood by the bookcase beside and Tommy sat as his desk. Arthur, Michael, Gina, Finn, Ada and Lizzie were all seated.

"This better be good Tommy," Arthur said as he sat in a seat at the back.

"Polly is dead," Tommy said plainly to everyone. All their faces dropped, you could hear their hearts break.

Victoria looked at Tommy and was angry with the way he had told them. "Fuck sake Tommy, you could have been more gentle."

"You knew?" Ada asked Victoria.

"I found her," she said looking down to the floor.

"How did it happen?" Lizzie asked.

"She was just lying on the sofa, she looked very peaceful," Victoria tried to justify it.

Ada stormed out of the room, she was clearly upset. Tommy looked at Victoria with eyes that said 'go after her' but she didn't move. Arthur got out of his chair and kicked it across the room. He reacted the way he was expected to, anger and rage was coursing through his veins.

"Sit down Arthur," Tommy told him, but Arthur ignored him and began to punch the wall. Tommy rubbed his temples and stood up, he walked toward the door.

"Where are you going Tommy?" Victoria asked him.

"I need to get the body and the funeral organised," he said.

"Sit back down Tommy, Michael will do that," Victoria told him sternly, "she's his mother, not ours."

"Well Michael hasn't even said anything."

"He's in shock. This is his thing to do, not yours."

Tommy ignored Victoria and pushed the handle down to open the door.

"Tommy I swear if you walk out that door now we'll not speak again. Don't you dare!"

But Tommy ignored his sister and walked away from his broken family.

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