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**Kookie's POV**

I could not believe what is happening I felt something warm on my lips but now they are gone. My mind is still processing the moment all I could do was blink and stare at the girl who kissed me in shock. I was happy but surprised at her certain action. When she kissed me I got a vision of a door with a moon crescent.

Yes, I see parts of the future or something that has to do with the person's life. Amazing huh all vampires have a certain power although some that are superior they can have up to three different ones.

I decided to ignore it and continued with the game which it was Liz's turn to spin the bottle. Which landed right in front of Jack.

**Jack's POV**

When the bottle stopped right in front of me I got a very strange feeling on my stomach I don't know if I'm getting nervous or scared, in fact, a little bit of both. I know Lizzy like the palm of my hand and she can be a little unpredictable and full of surprises. I'm mentally dying on the inside that can process what it is going on around because of internal anxiety. All I heard was "...kiss Taehyung right at this moment." coming out of Lizeth's mouth.

I snapped back to reality when I felt a pair of lips in mine and all I heard was "ooooh" from the others realizing that I was kissed not the other way around. I liked it and felt my cheeks heating up from the moment that Lizzy got me in. He kissed me for a whole minute that when he parted I started to breathe heavily trying to catch my breath. When he sat down we suddenly heard a door slammed and everyone looked around and realized Yoongs left and made feel guilt or something in my chest. I never felt it before I'm new to this feeling I decided to ignore it and push it to the side.

The boys started to question why did he leave all of a sudden. We decided to end the night and said our goodbyes. While I and the girls decided to order pizza and soda for a movie night after they left. "I wonder why Yoongi left, " Edith said both Liz and me respond with a "Yeah" but I was low key still feeling down that he left without a word.

After thirty minutes the pizza had arrived and we decided to play the Proposal on Netflix. We eventually fell asleep in the living room.

** Yoongi's POV**

I felt so angry at the fact Taehyung kissed her and the other way around. I never felt like this way before but the way he kissed her made me felt so many emotions at once. I can read minds and knowing that she finds me attractive makes me feel jealous that it wasn't me who was feeling her kiss. So I just had to leave from there before turning to something I don't like about myself. Knowing that I'm a monster makes me terrified that Jackie will reject me.

After 20 minutes I arrived I heard the guys coming inside the house so I pretended to fall asleep. "Hey Yoongissi, you okay man," Jin asked he is the only one that can enter my room when I'm in a bad mood. "Hyung I'm fine I promise it's not-" my words cut off by Jin telling me "I know your not fine let's go get sashimi tomorrow for lunch understand," he said leaving the door knowing I didn't want to talk about it at the moment.

The scene from that I witnessed earlier kept replaying in the back of my mind and I kept feeling that same odd feeling that I hadn't felt ever since she left to the other side and makes me want to throw up not wanting to feel it.

**Late at night**

As all these thoughts kept keeping me from sleeping I was flipping and turning around my bed overthinking everything that's wrong with my life. I look at the clock and it read "3:00 AM" to text her before I go crazy with these emotions. Thank god that Kookie sent their numbers on the group chat earlier today.

Hey cutie :)❤️

The cutie-
*2 mins after No reply*

I don't know why I'm texting you at this hour is you're probably sleeping... hehe 😅

The cutie-
No, I'm not actually I woke an hour ago and couldn't fall back to don't worry :)

Why are you awake at this hour?

Yoongs- m
I couldn't sleep either just like you 😂

*The morning *

I woke up in a great mood today and got dressed to go get lunch with Jin Hyung. Jackie and I texted until we fell asleep which was around 4 something. I got to know her better and I'm glad we talked about everything minus the incident from yesterday.

**Jackie's POV**

I woke up with a huge smile on my face remembering how Yoongi and I spent the whole night texting keeping each other's company. After getting out of my bed and dressed because today is going to be a great day I feel it and I'm down for it.

I headed to the kitchen and saw Edith and Lizzy on the dining table eating Lucky Charms. I sat beside Edith while both of them looked at me with questioning looks. "Okay, why are y'all staring at me like that?" I said with a weird out face. "Why are you smiling from ear to ear? It's creeping us out" Liz said with a slight chuckle. I just laughed nervously "No reason, I just woke up in a great mood today that's all." I simply said shrugging and eat some toast with jelly. "Okay.." Edith said not really believing my response but they both dropped the topic. My thoughts were interrupted by a message notification I smiled hoping it was him again.

Hey, Cutie want to hangout tomorrow at noon? ^.^☺️

Cutie? and sure thing why not?

Okay and cause you are a cutie.. ^.^😊💕


**JIN's POV**

I woke up and prepare for the moment to say my secret to Yoongi and how I feel with around my favorite guy. I'm just hoping that he won't see as before and probably hate me just like people from my past that just left me after finding out what I am...I'm scared...

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