Chapter Seventeen

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"Fuse?" Static queried, lifting an eyebrow.

Axel was scared. He was going to face a supervillain.

"Well then, Fuse, prepare to meet your doom." Static shouted as he launched a bolt of lighting at him.

Axel had no time to think about the cliché remark as he ducked to the left.

Static wanted to fry him alive. Axel couldn't get anywhere near Static, or he would steal the energy from his suit. All he could do was dodge the flashes fired at him and curse his badly thought out plan.

"What? Can't you fight?!" Static cackled.

Axel took to the air and aimed his hands at Static.


A blast of white light erupted from Axel's palm and headed for Static, which he managed to avoid, but got hit by the second one.

It didn't affect him. He absorbed it instead.

"What was that I just fired at him, Sebs?" Axel asked.

"A ball of pure electricity."

"So I just fed him?" Axel grumbled.

"You did not feed him, he absorbed it."

He had no time to lecture Sebs as a bolt hit him. He fell to the ground a few feet away from Glitch.

"Thanks for the recharge, boy!" Static smirked as he placed a hand on Fuse's chest.

Axel could literally feel the power drain away from the armour. It felt like his chest was caving in.

"Why does your current taste different?" Static questioned.

He could taste the energy?! What's next, someone who could taste fire?!

"Mine isn't powered by electricity!" Axel yelled as the boosters in his feet turned on.

He flew out of Statics grasp and into the air.

"Sebs, What's going on? Why was I affected?" Axel asked.

"I am physically combined to you, I function by the fluids in your body. When he extorted the energy from me, he took what is maintaining your life." Sebs responded.

"So, if he takes all the power from you, I die."

"That is correct."


"Why do you keep on running away?" Static said as he flew towards Fuse.

Axel responded by flying away. He had to get Static away from the ground. He couldn't get any electricity from the ground in the air, it was a clear day too. Fuse could do nothing, but wear Static out. His weapons were useless, all he did was give Static more power to fire back at him.

Axel got an idea.

"Sebs, where is the closest rooftop power generator?"

"Fifth Bright Avenue, located to the right, the news tower," Sebs said as it showed a map.

"Oh, of course, the bloody press have a fricking rooftop power generator."


"You are a computer, why do you care?"

Axel moved towards the building to only have a lighting bolt hit him on the leg.

"The left thruster has been hit." Sebs notified Axel.

"I know that, Sebs!" Axel hissed as he started moving to the left.

He managed to land on the building in one piece as Static fired another at his back.


"You shouldn't have led me to the reporters. Now they'll have footage of me killing you." He cackled as he landed next to Fuse.

Static placed a hand on the back of Axel's head.

Static lived up to his name. Axel's whole body felt like he was touching a plastic slide on a hot day, except the feeling was multiplied and everywhere.

Sebs was taking most of the electricity. Axel almost felt sorry for the computer.

"Full power to hand thrusters!" Axel ordered.

Axel rushed towards the power generator while holding Static. He used all his might to throw Static into the generator.

Static let out a scream as the power from the generator seeped into him. He sank to the ground and Axel heard the power go out in the building. Axel walked up to the unconscious Static.

"Is he alive?" Axel asked Sebs, hoping he hadn't killed him.

"Yes. I have detected that his electricity levels are increasing, I suggest you get him off the ground before..."

Axel didn't hear the rest of Sebs sentence as little flashes of lightning bolts shot out from Static. Axel grabbed him and flew into the air.

"The lighting is going to travel to the ground, but people are down there. I can't throw him in the water." Axel fretted as he flew around.

"The White Stone Bridge is oxidized. It is highly resistive."

"It's the quickest one available," Axel said as he raced towards the bridge.

It was difficult flying with one boot thruster and a hand thruster while also carrying a heavy ticking electricity bomb.

Axel let Static down on to the top of the bridge.

Static's body let out flashes of white light. A thread of lighting lashed out and struck Axel's right boot thruster.

"The right thruster has been hit," Sebs announced.

"Oh, you think I can't tell?!" Axel hissed as he fell on the top of the bridge.

He was tired, he decided to just lay there for a second and take it all in.

He had just fought against his first villain, a supervillain, and won. How the hell did he do that?!

"Wooo whooo!" He shouted as he threw up his arms.

"Axel, are you okay?" John asked landing on the bridge.

"Ah! Father... um, I'm fine." Axel stuttered as he stood up.

"You managed to beat him?" John asked as his helmet moved away to show his face.

"I know you're angry at me for disobeying you and putting myself in danger, and that I could have been killed and if the suit transformation didn't work, I could have died and... Yeah." Axel babbled.

"I am angry at you, Axel, but I'm also proud," John replied.

"What?" Axel asked, as his helmet moved back.

"I'm proud of you, Axel," John said putting a hand on his son's shoulder.


This was new. Axel was speechless.

"I'm sorry for how I've acted, I shouldn't have lashed out at you, it's not your fault, and I understand why you've been hesitant about catching Willis." Axel apologized.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have yelled at you, you were protecting your friend."

"So, we're good?" Axel asked.

"Yes." John smiled. "How did you beat him?"

"A while ago at school, I learnt that if you give a lightbulb more watts than it can handle, it'll burn out," Axel told him.

"Static was the light bulb," John smiled.

Axel nodded.

"He also kinda destroyed my thrusters. I have no way of getting down from here."

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