Chapter 3

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Ashton's p.o.v

I woke up to my dad screaming at me. I looked over at my clock and saw that it was 9:30. Today was Sunday. That means we have to go to church. After he finished screaming at me I asked him to leave so I could get dressed. He hit me for talking back to him before leaving my room. I got up and went to my closet. I picked out something my parents expect me to wear and got dressed. I walked downstairs and saw my mom cooking breakfast for everyone. I sat down beside my sister and brother and waited for her to be finished cooking. When she finished we thanked her and ate. After breakfast I helped with dishes. I then went back to my room so I could finished getting ready. I brushed my hair and grabbed my phone. I knew it was going to be a boring day but at least I get to see Luke.

Mom: Ashton remember today it is our turn to hand out coffee and snacks at the end.

Ashton: Great. We have to stay even longer then necessary. 

Mom: What's wrong with helping out once in a while?

Ashton: Half of the people there hate my guts.

Mom: Well we are doing it anyway.

Ashton: Ugh fine.

Mom: Just get your brother and bring out the containers of cookies I baked to the car.

Ashton: Ok.

I got Harry and we did what our mom asked us to do. It was time to go so we all got into the car. Once we arrived we put the food away. The only good thing about being on snack duty is that we get to miss out on the sermons. When Luke's family arrived I was happy. This is a huge church so everyone we know goes here but Luke is one of the only people I can stand here. All of the old people here just criticized every little thing I do. Whether it is the music I like or the fact that I don't care for church that much.

Luke's p.o.v

We pulled into the parking lot of the church and walked inside. I immediately went to find Ashton and Michael. When I saw Ashton I could tell he was having a rough morning. His mom and stepdad were nagging him over how to set stuff up. They were on snack duty. Since you have to miss the sermon to set up they were just going to let Ashton miss it. 

Luke: Mrs.Irwin If it would be any help I can come down with Ashton to help him set up. 

Anne: That we be great. Thank you Luke.

Luke: No problem!

Once she turned away I walked around with Ashton.

Luke: Wanna go on a lunch date after church?

Ashton: Sure what time?

Luke: I'll stay late to help your family clean up and then we can go to the McDonald's down the street.

Ashton: Ok.

Ashton's step dad came around the corner and said we needed to start heading upstairs. We followed his orders and walked upstairs. I saw Hannah and said hi to her. She went to sit with her mom and siblings. We always sit with the Irwin's so I ended up sitting with nobody to my left and Ashton on my right. We needed to get out of the pew first anyway so it was fine. Pastor Ward finally walked into the room following behind the choir. He started talking and I started tuning him out.

Pastor Ward: I would like to welcome a new family into our community today. This is David, Joy, Mali and Calum Hood. 

Everyone said hi to them and then they sat back down. I was surprised. While the rest of the hoods were in "church clothes" Calum was wearing an All Time Low t shirt and black ripped skinny jeans. The old people were gasping at his outfit choice I wonder how old the Calum guy is. He looks about our age. I hope he is because he seems like he could be one of us. I don't mean that he is gay jut that he could care less about church. Ashton gave me the same look I was giving him. My phone vibrated and so I checked it. Michael was thinking the same thing as us. After almost an hour of suffering the sermon started. Ashton and I quickly got out of our seats and walked back downstairs to the kitchen. I started up the coffee while he cut up cheese and put it on a tray with crackers. He set it out on the table and then grabbed the cookies his mom made. While the coffee was being made we poured juice into cups and then put them on the table. When we finished we had a few minutes until people would start coming down. I kissed him and we had a little make out session. We heard footsteps which meant people were coming. A line started forming for the food so Ashton and I stood behind a table to help serve stuff. Once everyone was sitting down that meant we could sit down. We decided to be anti social and sit in the kitchen away from everyone. About half an hour later people started leaving and we started cleaning up. While we were doing dishes Everyone else was folding up the tables and putting them away. When we finished we told our parents that we were hanging out.

Liz: Why don't you invite Calum to go with you. He is your guys age.

Luke: Um. Ashton and I kind of just wanted to hang out alone.

Andrew: Fine. Have fun.

Ashton: Thanks

We left the church and walked down the street to McDonald's and ordered our food. We both decided to get a 20 pack and share it. We also got fries and drinks to go with it. We sat down at a booth once we had our food and ate. We were talking about concerts. We really want to go to a concert together but we don't know if anyone we like is coming near us. We narrowed it down to All Time Low, Green Day or Blink-182. After we finished eating Ashton got a text saying he needed to come home. We left and started walking home. I walked him up to the door. and then walked next door to my house.

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