VIII. House Call 1

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The doorbell rang. Dylan groaned. Doesn't she have my access code? He pushed his body up from his bed and trudged towards the door. When he opened it, he saw Yue was trying to key in the code. She looked at him surprised, then she frowned.

"Didi, you look like a ghost!" she exclaimed.

"Did you bring what I need?" He asked.

She nodded and let herself in. Few seconds later, she chuckled. "Pink?" Looking at what he was wearing, which was partially covered by his shirt.

"Pink is hot, Yue. I need to sit." He sat down on the couch and Yue came over to examine him.

"How are you feeling, Didi?"

"BAD. I have been going to the toilet for the past few hours. I feel so weak." He said, closing his eyes.

Yue peered closely at him. "OH MY GOD, Didi!"

"What?" Dylan looked up.

"You have a HUGE pimple on your forehead!"

"Are you SERIOUS??" With all his might, he walked towards his room. True enough, there is a big, dark red zit, smiling at him back.

"HELP ME, YUE!!" He screamed.

Yue rushed in. "Hey relax, you can cover this pimple with concealer."

"No! This is the wicked type. Even with make up it protrudes out. I'm doomed. My photoshoot is the day after tomorrow." he groaned, lying down on his bed.

"I told you not to drink that nasty stuff."

"Don't remind me, Yue. I took one for you too. I'm feeling so....wait, I need to go again." He got up quickly and rushed to the toilet. Feeling better again, he came out and saw Yue extending her hand out with 2 black tablets.

"Here, eat these charcoal tabs. And hydrate yourself." Dylan took them without hesitation and gulped down the water. His eyes felt heavy and sleep was enveloping him.

"Do you want to take a nap? I'm going to get something downstairs. Don't go anywhere!" She said.

"..but the toilet" he muttered.

She laughed.

"You are evil, Yue Yue."

"Stop talking. I'll be right back."

He nodded and lie down on his back. He stared at the ceiling, his head blank. He was glad that Yue was here. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep but the pain in his tummy was not letting him.

A moment later, he heard the beep on his door and the little girl popped back into his apartment. He got up and stood by his bedroom door to watch her. There were a few bags of things on the kitchen table.

"Did you buy the whole supermarket?" he asked.

Yue laughed. "Typical of you to be sarcastic even at times like this. I'm going to save you from humiliation!"

She rolled her sleeves up and started rummaging through the bags. Dylan went back to his bed but he could hear her chopping and scraping something. He curled himself in a fetal position and the pain jabbed him.


"Hey, it's supposed to relief the pain. Let me take a look at you." She hovered over him and looked at him with concern. Dylan stared right at her big brown eyes.

"Yue Yue, did I tell you that you have very big eyes?"

She scoffed. "Please don't move. I'm going to put something on your pimple area."

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