7- Confession

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Sorry for the confusion for not posting this before chapter 8.

Reader POV

After I changed, mom asked for me and Karma to come to her. We did it and were sitting in the living room.

"I need to tell you why your father abused (Y/n)..." Mom said and I looked at her, before seeing Karma, equally confused. "She doesn't have his blood... (Y/n), the reaper you knew was your father." "Wait, what?" I asked, confused and in disbelief. "While you were recovering from memory loss, I lied when I was saying I didn't know the name Fujiro because I had an affair with him when I was drunk... your father was actually there too and I was flirting with him. Karma, your father and I were at the bar together and when I'm drunk, I'm the flirty type according to both boys but it seemed that both me and your father were drunk and we had all agreed to a threesome. Fujiro was the one to get me pregnant and that was found out in a blood test when you looked like him and not your father or me. You see, he and I agreed that we wanted another child but didn't think it would be someone else's... Apparently Fujiro gave me his number too for any reason and assured me it was him as I agreed not to tell anyone who the reaper is. I'm glad I did too or else you wouldn't be here. But anyways, your father hurt you because he was angry that it wasn't his child. He couldn't be happier that you were doing good in school or more disappointed in himself while he was in private about hurting you. When he handed you to an institute where you were almost experiment on, I told Fujiro right away about you being there while only being six. Since you were there for a year and he was watching you, he felt like a real father while watching over you. Since he was helping you walk, talk and even protect yourself. I didn't let him kill Karma's father because I still wanted Karma to have a father as (Y/n) spent five years with her father."

Mom looked down while telling me how many times Fujiro offered to be Karma's father, and mine of course. "I think if he could, he'd have taken me and kept me to be his wife and the one to bare you but since I did have a husband, he had agreed to the threesome only to make Ibeko jealous about it..." Mom finished and I spoke. "So... I killed my own father?" Mom nodded and spoke again, "It hurt him to call you his student, any time he heard you were sad, or hurt... He texted me that he dropped by and watched you before and after school to watch his daughter grow... but when you started dating Asano, he kept a close eye on him to make sure he was good for you. He approves but didn't like the way he acted around you at first." I just got up and went to my room, crying.

"(Y/n)?" "I killed my own father! I lived thinking I was just hated for no reason but it's because I wasn't his child!" I yelled to mom and slammed my door, locking it. I was crying and my phone buzzed. It was texts from Gakushuu and the others.

Gakushuu: Are you okay (Y/n)?
Kirana: Why did you slam your door?
Teppei: (Y/n). We know you're getting these, what's wrong?
(Y/n): I killed my father...
Ren: He was killed while you were assassinating the reaper..?

Group call request from (Y/n)

Natsuhiko: Wasn't it a good thing that you killed your father?
(Y/n): The reaper was my father. And I killed him.
Gakushuu: You told me he wasn't your real father.
(Y/n): Because I thought that was the truth. I just learned that he is my real father as the one I knew was Karma's father who still helped take care of me...
Seo: Oh... So you were abused because you weren't related by blood?
(Y/n): Yes. The reaper took care of me and apparently had been watching me at times to make sure I was alright, and when I started dating Gakushuu...
Gakushuu: Wait, we were being watched?
Kirana: That's really hard to deal with (Y/n). Are you alright?
(Y/n): I'm fine... and yes, we were being watched.
Gakushuu: How did we not notice and why?
(Y/n): He was most likely hidden in secret and he watched to see if you were good for me. He does approve of you...

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