12- Shuu's Birthday

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Again, I'm sorry this is late. I'm not sick anymore thankfully but I was.

Alisa approached me to play with her toys with her and I went with her. She wanted me to color with her alone and I agreed as we went to my room and colored on the floor.

"(Y/n)." "Yes? Is something wrong?" "Gaku's birthday is coming up." "When is it?" "New Years day. January 1." "Oh really?" I asked and she nodded. "Is there anything he wants that you want to get him?" I asked and she thought, stopping coloring as I stopped too. "Hm... I want him to stay away from study books. He's always reading them and doesn't play with me anymore..." She said and I nodded as I put her in my lap. "He wants to have a good place in school so he can easily get into a good college and get a well paying job." "I know... but he doesn't give me time like he used to. Of course, I'm okay with it when he says it's finals and major exams but small test that the teacher says is 10% of your grade? Why is he always reading?" "I'll talk to him about it soon. But yeah, he does need to know everything and make sure he knows everything. I'm sure he wants to spend time with you though but just doesn't want to forget everything." I started to brush her hair a bit to style it into a nice little braid.

"I know how your brother works too. As much as I'm sure the information is glued in his head, he wants to make sure and keep it with him. Plus, I'm certain he's so glad that you're doing well in school. He'd tell me how worried you were on occasion during school and wanted you to get good grades so I'm sure that now you are, he's proud of you too. Just let me talk to him about hanging out with you first, okay? I'm sure he wants to hang out with you now too." She nodded and smiled. "Wait here! I want to see if he does!" I nodded and let go of her braided hair. She ran by and I smiled as I waited. She returned soon with Gakushuu with her and nodded to me as I nodded back.

"Let's all color!" "You don't want to play dolls like you used too?" "Nope! I just really want to color and draw and hang out with two of my four favorite people in the world!" Alisa said and I smiled. "Aw, thank you Alisa." She nodded and smiled as she hugged me then Gakushuu. He hugged her back as I saw his eyes wide from that. "What? Never expected to be somebody's favorite person?" I asked and he rolled his eyes to me. "Whatever (Y/n)." He said and the three of us colored a picture together as Alisa smiled. "Yay! Will you play with me more Gaku?" "I'll try. Why?" "She wants you to play with her more and keep your nose out of those books." He seemed annoyed by me and I smirked but he sighed and hugged Alisa. "I'm sorry. I now know everything I need to since everything is being retaught. So I now have more time with you. But I will be reading through those new books often..." "Swear to god, I will take them from you and hide them in my dorm room." I said and he glared at me. "You got me some yourself." "Yeah. Because what else?" "Don't just take them from me because you can!" He said and I rolled my eyes as Alisa was confused.

"Don't fight..." "Sorry." We said and at the same time and she smiled. "Forgiven! Now let's keep coloring!" She said and we nodded. We stayed with her and I noticed Alisa was becoming tired. "Are you tired Alisa?" "A little..." She said and Gakushuu nodded. "This is normal. Don't worry, come on." Gakushuu said and picked her up. "She always tired herself in some way after opening presents. Alright, I'll wake you up in two hours." She nodded and I smiled as he tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

She had fallen asleep quickly and I cleaned up the coloring supplies she left in my room. Gakushuu walked in and hugged me as he glided his hand up and down my waist. "I'm dead if you dad ever catches us." "Yep. Gotta be careful." I said playfully and he rolled his eyes. He turned me around and pushed me against the wall. "You haven't done this in a while." "I did this when we first met because I was threatening you in a way." "True. Oh well." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Not happening." He grabbed my wrists and I was confused as he pinned them up. "I'm not letting you do that today." "Aw, not in the Christmas spirit?" "Shut up. This is my Christmas spirit." I nodded but still kissed him as I didn't even bother fighting back. He and I kissed for a while as he held my arms up for a good hour before his arms got tired.

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